Bluffing Duncan tank engine was always give a good account of him self and boasts to steam train James engine, who was running a little bit behind schedule in taking the children to the party calibration in the town. Duncan tank engine was showing off telling he could do the shunting around of the troublesome trucks full of coal to the goods Transfer Yards and return back in the old wharf sidings, before steam tank James the red engine could pickup extra coal trucks and delivers them in the old wharf yard sidings.
So James and Duncan tank engine had a competition to see who could be the fastest engine.
Tank Duncan train hurried as fast as ho could. But big red James is a faster engine and arrives in the Transfer Yards before Dunk and dose tease him that he is slower. Duncan was now most disappointed with him self and decided to challenges steam train James engine to a coal moving rematch race and Duncan's bluff was to hide the troublesome coal trucks in the hidden railway siding. The two engines steam racing goes on all that cooled winters day until James tender is empty of coal for his fire box. Narrow gauge railway Duncan the tank engine tells the thin controller all about Duncan's bluff and what he has done wrong. So he goes to help James out with so more coal for his fire box so he can run again. James and Duncan tank engine are now best train friends once more and James steams away to take the small children to there party celebration night.
Watch Youtube Duncan's bluff James and Duncan tank engine video part 1.
Watch Youtube Thomas and friends Duncan's bluff James and Duncan tank engine video part 2
hi and merry Christmas any way come and join