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Friday, April 16, 2010

Red Bulgy the Double Decker Bus Rides Again

Train Thomas and friends Bulgy Rides again he never liked being the village vegetable farm hen house
In the bright and breezy summer time there no better place to be than the island of Sodor. The steam locomotive engines are happy to exhibit and show vacationers the wonderful spectacle sight to be seen, but this jolly holiday year there was a big problem, Thomas and Emily engine were in the works foundry for repairs, I have to find a way to carry more railway passengers grumbled Sir Topham Hatt we have more vacationers and fewer locomotive engines said Emily, a double Decker problem added Thomas, a Decker problem thought the fat controller, this gave Sir Topham Hatt An good idea. He drove in his blue car strait to Bulgy field, Bulgy is a red Double Decker Bus, and he was turned in to a henhouse after he coursed a silly accident getting stuck under the northern rail low railway bridge. Good news Bulgy Rides Again I am putting you back on the road tour said the fat controller, thank you Sir I will be the best sightseeing day trip touring bus service on the Island ever.
Big Bulgy the bus attempted to pinch the sightseeing day trip passengers from GWR tank engine Duck
Before the stupid Sodor bridge accident had happened he hated the steam locomotive railways, also he assumed that sooner or later each and every one of Thomas Percy and old slow coach train service would be exchanged for roads and sent to the train museum. This Bad-tempered Bulgy red bus attempted to pinch tank engine Duck and Oliver engine trains passengers by act as if he was the Sodor railroad passenger vehicle bus service. Bulgy the Double Decker Bus was very strong-minded and determined to deliver all the island of Sodor railroad vacation holiday passengers to the old wooden Tidmouth sheds before GWR train Duck the steam machine, but unfortunately he got jammed wedged beneath the tumbling bridge arch after going the wrong direction whilst attempting to travel the quickest route across the Sodor map. His fairy-tale stories were now out in the open to one and all, in addition to this not a soul now hade faith in his travel destination boards saying the red buses favourite phrase, free the roads. Bulgy the bus never liked being the village farmer’s henhouse anyway.Sodor Island Bulgy the bus gets on well with Thomas Percy and old slow coach Annie and ClarabelleThe next cheery morning big red Bulgy was sent to the brick forge brass train foundry works, red Bulgy the Double Decker Bus exclaimed Thomas what are you doing here, he replied I am being repaired I am going back on the road so Bulgy Rides again.
Sodor Bulgy is a red Double Decker Bus Sir Topham Hatt put him back on the road so Bulgy Rides AgainI think you will be helping the new farmer said green Emily engine he knead to deliver his vegetables around the island, vegetables grunted Bulgy I am going to carry passengers. Soon he was newly fitted inside and out Red Bulgy looked in mint condition, smart and shiny ready to do the Sodor road rides, even train-James the really useful engine was impressed saying wow as the new bus transport went driving pasted. When Bulgy returned home to his field the chickens thought there old house looked splendid. We will start early tomorrow said the bus tour driver you’ll stay here tonight, Bulgy was soon fast asleep. But the farm yard hens wanted back their old home one by one they creped aboard and went to sleep in the luggage racks, red Bulgy the Double Decker Bus know nothing. The next morning he went to pickup lots of passengers, all aboard tooted the Double Decker bus honking his horn as he departed for the station. He was driving along his route so smoothly that the hens didn’t wakeup, all was well till fourwheeler Bulgy coach turned a corner, Trevor the traction engine was pulling the farmers hay cart. Get out of my way he over tuck Trevor traction engine, Bulgy the bus turned and swerved all the roosting hens did wakeup the frightened passengers panicked and Boulgy’s driver lost control. The chickens were scared they flapped, they quacked, they jumped and did hop on hop off the luggage racks, stop cried Boulgy’s passenger we want to get off.
Red Bulgy the Double Decker Bus Rides Again is turned into a hen house after a Sodor bridge accidentThe passenger were covered in feathers and broken eggs, they were very cross, this sightseeing tourist bus is full of hens they complaint, we shell tell Sir Topham Hatt, it’s not my fault sulked Bulgy. Sir Hatt sent Bulgy to be cleaned, he told Thomas silly hen’s silly passengers, and you can have them both. The farmer still kneads help with his vegetables said emerald Emily the train, a vegetables bus thought red Bulgy that’s not such a bad idea, and were back carrying passengers smiled Tomy Thomas the train. Bulgy Rides Again he is happy now he has been converted into a vegetable stall with new green plus cream paint work and a smart serving hatch, Sir Topham agreed these activities, he could become the island only portable touring fruit and vegetable stand on wheels, Bulgy likes carrying vegetables they don’t lay eggs and they never complain. Now he gets on well with Annie and Clarabelle his railroad train friends also he love the chat to Harold the helicopter when his stall is at the Sodor air field.

Wooden Bulgy the bus is available from take-along and tomy Thomas Trackmaster railway toy systems.

See the Youtube video staring Thomas and friends Bulgy the Double Decker Bus Rides Again.

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