One late autumn morning the Fat Controller came to the Sodor Tidmouth sheds, Sir Topham Hatt had some important railway news for Henry James Gordon Thomas the train and friends.

His name is Dennis the diesel engine, Edward Toby tram and Percy the tank engine you must all help him get to know the Sodor railway and number 1 Thomas train added the Fat Controller you have been working very hard.
Today you can have a day off Thomas the tank engine was very pleased!
First I will have a long wash down, Thomas the number one engine chuffer cheerfully then I shall go to bluffs cove seaside.

On his way to the Sodor wash down Thomas saw a new diesel locomotive he had never seen working on the tracks before, this cargo diesel train was huffing and puffing along in the sidings.

What is the matter he asked these big cargo trucks are too troublesome! I can't shunt them!
It's my day off Thomas tank whispered, but I'll help you, this made Dennis the diesel engine very happy.
Dennis diesel watched Thomas biff and bump the railway trucks into place.

All finished diesel Thomas the tank engine puffed, it was hard work and he was tired, thank you Thomas the train Dennis diesel engine oiled. Then he watched Thomas chuff away to start his rest day off.

At the Sodor engine wash down center Thomas tank engine was soon covered in soapy bath bubbles.
Shiny and bright shiny and bright that's what I'll be to start my day off right he chirped cheerfully.

Sluggishly Dennis the new locomotive diesel train wasn't very cheerfully Dennis was lazy to work he didn't want to deliver his trucks of roof tiles to the childrens school yard.
Then Dennis the diesel engine saw Thomas diesel Dennis the train had an idea, he would ask Thomas his friend to help him with his hard work again.

Help o help Dennis diesel engine called out weakly, to his new friend Thomas the blue steam train slowed down to see what was wrong.
I don't know how to get to the school house Dennis the diesel train whimpered, don't worry Dennis diesel Thomas the tank engine puffed, I'll show you the way how to get to the school station house.

Dennis the engine smiled his tricks and diesel train games had worked.

The childrens school house is farther along the side railway track Thomas the train said.
Dennis diesel looked at number 1 Thomas train puffing along the track away from him Dennis the lazy locomotive had wanted Thomas to take his rail shipment of trucks for him.
Suddenly devious diesel Dennis had another skiving scheming idea he blasted his warning railway horn again and again.

Traveling down the countryside railway track little blue Thomas engine heard the warning horn noise, he was worried.

Dennis diesel watched Thomas tank come back his new trick had worked now Dennis the diesel would pretend to have something wrong with him.
Help Thomas diesel Dennis the train cried I'm over heating you'll have to shunt these trucks for me.

He knew it was Thomas's day off! But Thomas the really useful tank engine still wanted to help him out, don't worry he said, I'll find another Island of Sodor railway engine to help you, on my way to bluffs cove beach sands for my holiday.
Thomas and friends Dennis the train was cross he wanted Thomas train to shunt his troublesome trucks.

So train Dennis the diesel engine raced away, he didn't care about the roofing tiles, he didn't care about steam express Gordon Percy Thomas the tank engine and friends, all he cared about was getting faraway from his work.
His iron wheels were spinning faster and faster, and then there was trouble on the tracks, he crashed of the rail tracks into the mud.

Help o help called Dennis diesel engine faintly, help but this time there was nobody around to help him.
Soon Thomas tank arrived at a small village signal box Percy the tank engine has some important news!

The workmen and decorators are waiting for Dennis the diesel to bring the ceiling tiles to repair the school roof.
The children can't go to there school lessons until its mended and no one knows were Dennis the diesel engine has gone Thomas and friends Percy the tank engine added.

I do Percy the tank engine Thomas the train whooshed he has broken down! I must go back along the railway track to assist him immediately Percy Thomas the tank engine told him.
He quickly found Dennis diesel Thomas the train was very shocked to see him off the rails and in the mud farm meadow.

I thought your motor had overheated and broken down at the railway junction stop he whooshed, where are the old rail trucks of roof slate tiles, he then asked.

Sorry I tricked you Thomas the tank engine diesel ashamedly said in a muted voice, there was nothing wrong with me at the railway track junction I just didn't want to pull those troublesome heavy trucks of roof bricks to the school station.
I'm a really lazy railroad engine moaned Dennis, his wheels wobbled and his sticky black diesel oil dripped all over his cab.
Now Thomas the tank engine could see Dennis diesel really was in trouble on the tracks.

I'll pull you out of the sludge and back onto the tracks he puffed.
Then I'll be your railway freight back engine, that way we will get the tiles to the school house in double quick time.
Stuck in the muddy farm cow paddock Thomas and friends Dennis diesel smiled his biggest smile ever.
Dennis and Thomas the train finally pulled into the old school house station stop, standing on the platform with the two railway porters the Fat Controller was waiting for them!

The Island of Sodor Thomas the number one engine has shown me that being a really useful engine, is much better than being really lazy, Dennis the diesel wheezed.
The Fat Controller was pleased Thomas and his friends were all pleased too.

Thank you Thomas the train diesel Dennis hooted horn from now on I will try to be an Island of Sodor really useful engine.
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