The Thomas & friends railway landscape was bright and freezing wintry weather holiday season scene on the Island of Sodor everywhere was covered with a lovely blanket of sparkling white soft snow flakes, just the right conditions for the Thomas the tank engine snowman party.

The Fat Controller in his winter fashion clothing outfit was at the fitter's yard, Thomas the train and friends Percy and Henry the green engine were having their winter snowplough grids fitted.

Thomas the train and friends Percy and Henry the green tank engine, we have to all rally round too get this stranded frozen snow ice-covered Island moving again Sir Topham Hatt boomed, to big express Gordon Thomas and Toby the steam tram.

After the frozen railway lines are ice free and clear again, I will need a Christmas steam train engine to take the special present train to the winter holiday party for the children at Knapford station.

Beautiful emerald green Emily, big express Gordon Thomas the train and friends engines all really wanted to take the great Christmas present train, Toby Thomas and Percy tank engine thought it was the happiest and jolliest steam railway train journey of the year.

Thomas and his 7 friends James tank engine you must work with old steam locomotive Edward the blue engine with his new silver snowplough the Fat Controller said, please remember these cold merry winter train tracks are frozen and icy, also you must all work together and take care traveling over the fresh snowfall!

A sluggish elderly blue slow coach like you, is definitely going to slow me down he huffed!
Old steam locomotive Edward blue engine looked rather sad hearing these cruel harsh words about him.

Thomas and friends James and Edward the train engine first job of the day was to clear the main railroad line of snow in the direction of Knapford railway station, Thomas the train and friends Edward the tank engine worked as swiftly as he could but it wasn't quick an though for keeping up with James tank engine!
Hurry up old slow coach and keep up James tank engine snorted unsympathetically!

Thomas and friends Henry the green engine was clearing the other Island of Sodor railway express line railings Christmas snowfall, when big red James the really splendid engine steamed quickly passed him, slow down cried Thomas and friends Henry the train also please take care.
But foolish and silly James the red train didn't listening to wise old Henry the green engine he was to busy day dreaming about the winter great Christmas present train ride to Knapford Sodor railway station.

Red steam Locomotive James train didn't notice the tracks were extremely cold and icy.
Thomas and friends number 5 James red train wheels began to slip and slide on the track, WOW he howled out, now flying more rapidly racing along the line, spraying snow of his plough faster and faster he went like a red rocket jet engine.

Yippy called red splendid James the train engine he was starting to enjoy himself, he was sliding so fasted that he slid all the way into the Island of Sodor Marthwait station.

Latter that day red locomotive James and Edward the blue engine had to take some coaling trucks to the coal plant.
At Knapford station James the red engine waited for Thomas and Edward the tank engine, he merrily listened to the childrens Christmas choral society singers.

He watched all the lovely yellow and red light Xmas tree colorful decorations for the celebration being put-up.
Thomas and his friends James train engine now wanted to take the winter special present train trucks more than ever, finally Sodor steam tank Edward the really useful engine puffed in.

Trust a big blue engine to be late called really splendid engine James engine, I'm sorry gasped Edward the train I had to go slowly and take care in the chilly blizzard.

Slow Island of Sodor engines like you don't get to haul the school kids-present train James the train engine coldly snorted and they both swiftly pulled away from the number one station platform.

Must be early and first to pull the Thomas and friends winter snow train, I must be first he excitedly puffed!
Thomas tank James the red engine arrive at the top of main line express Gordon's hill, the tracks were icy and he stared to speed up, Edward the tank engine wasn't happy trying to keep up.

WE-EE cried James the train this is the way to get the rail delivery job done first, tickled pink James the big red engine thought it was the very best Christmas winter snow slide ever.
At the Island of Sodor railway coaling plant siding hopper loco James and Edward the train trucks had been filled to the brim with black coal rocks.

Thomas and friends Edward the train engine called to big red number 5 James tank engine you must slow down and take care, I am taking care he replied, taking care to finish first.

I'm going to pull the kids big Xmas present train and James the engine pull away over the merry winter wonderland frost tracks.
They headed for diesel Salty and crane Cranky at Brendam docks, finish first, I must finish first James the red engine steam train puffed happily to himself.

They started to voyage along the Xmas freezing hoarfrost covered rails quicker then faster and faster, but he didn't know how dangerous and very icy the railway line tracks were.

His cast-iron wheels stated to glide and slid. O-MY, red James engine cried!

He applied his steam brakes as hard as he could still keeping up with James Edward the tank engine tried to brake as well but it was too late to stop.

Crashed cold and stuck in a deep snow drifted, off the frosty railway track in a mess James the train cried out bust my buffers, O-dear whished Sodor steam tank Edward the really useful engine.

Wearing a warm winter yellow wooly hat and scarf the Fat Controller arrive on Salty the dockyard diesel engine, he was very cross.

Trapped in the white cold snow with a scarlet face James tank engine felt bad, Edward the blue engine wanted to slow down, but I wanted to go faster so I could pull the childrens party present train.
You won't be undertaking that fun merry winter holiday assignment now big red James tank engine said the Fat Controller sternly.

Thomas and friends Edward the train engine you are a reliable engine said Sir Topham Hatt, you can pull the holiday present train, except you can't haul the childrens winter party gifts single-handedly it is an incredibly long train full of toys and games.

Big boss Sir Topham Hatt called red number 5 James train, if I promise to depart slowly and take care can I be Thomas and friends Edward the tank engine train back engine?

Now splendid James tank engine felt pleased, very useful Edward tank he called to him, I will lean to take care when traveling on the railway line just like you do!
And so old steam locomotive Edward blue engine pulled James train engine out of the white deep snow and back onto the cold chilly iron track.

Latter with Cranky the crane at Brendam docks the two Thomas the tank engine friends collected the Christmas large present train and setoff carefully for the beautifully winter holiday decorated platform station at Knapford.

Each time the two Sodor friends Edward & James came near any white snow covered frozen icy railway rail tracks old steam locomotive Edward the blue engine called out slow down and now James tank engine slowed down.

When they when down Thomas and friends Gordon's hill Edward the great called out apply your steam locomotive brakes and James the train apply his brakes.
So slowly and safely the two friends steamed into the Island of Sodor Knapford station platform to see Thomas the tank engine and friends Toby tram.

When the in high spirited young children at the Thomas the train and friends Knapford platform saw the charming colorful great Christmas present train party gifts they all cheered and cheered!

Thank you red James Edward the number two called thank-you grand great Edward James the red engine said, you really are a useful blue engine.
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