Because the Sodor Island seaside port harbour brendam docks is very lively, Cranky the crane scarcely receives any rest time to unwind becoming considerably irritable, quick-tempered and a snappy chappy - therefore his having the presumed name of Cranky crane. Even though he has a shouted temper, he is really a good-hearted nice character on the Island of Sodor brendam fishing docks and tries to have favourable trouble less employment relationships with Edward the blue engine train James Thomas and the other good old steam locomotives railway friends.

Cranky the crane works hard in his seawall duties at Brendam marina Docksides overlooking the blue sea deep water, proudly swinging his crane hoist cane about the place. Cranky the crane has mighty high and strong powerful views that can often antagonise nearly all of them, particularly the tiny trains. One time he was exceptionally impolite to train Thomas Percy and old slow coach.
Each day of the week Train Cranky the crane jobs down at the sunny seaside town in Brendam Docks is the loading of the ocean shipping consignments and unload vessels, from daytime till way after dark. He relishes this large-scale everlasting task of transferring and stacking boxes or filling up the line of covered wagons that finish up at the town centre.
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