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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Thomas The Tank Engine Emily The Train Railway New Route To Travel

It was happy time on the Island of Sodor Edward Gordon Thomas and friends engines were all extremely busy, they carried international shipping cargo freight, with Thomas Annie & Clarabel coaches taking the fall passengers up and down the railway small-village path leaf covered lines.
Thomas Annie & Clarabel coaches taking passengers railway small village path leaf covered lines
The Fat Controller came to see Thomas and friends Emily the train at the railway wooden engine shed. I am opening up some new routes for the end of autumn celebrations he proudly announced.
The Fat Controller came to see Thomas and friends Emily the train at the railway wooden engine shed
I have picked excellent Emily from Thomas the train friends to haul the flour mill special wagon convoy to Thomas & friends Toby tram windmill flour yard, thank you Sir said Emily train, and she was very pleased with the stout gentleman.
Beautiful Emily the green train fill up water Thomas friend train James the really splendid engine
Beautiful Emily the green train came to a halt to fill up with boiler water on the way to Toby the tram engine flour mill works, but Thomas friend train James the really splendid engine was already at the railway water-tower.
Sodor bakery special emerald Emily Thomas and friends James the red engine ghostly black loch run
The Fat Controller has given me the Sodor bakery flour mill special, said emerald Emily engine, you are lucky Thomas and friends James the red engine huffed I have to do the ghostly black loch run.

Thomas the tank engine Emily the train railway new route to travel direction eerie old castle loch
Why wonderful James the train engine don't you like going in the direction of eerie old castle black loch, asked green engine Emily the tank?

There are rolling mountain boulders all over the rickety train tracks Thomas & friends James the tank engine moaned, they bash your buffers as well as scratch your splendid red paintwork and there's the mysterious black spooky loch monster hiding in the deep.

What's the black loch monster, Thomas the train and James the really splendid engine, asked Emily.
Black spooky loch monster Thomas the train and James the really splendid engine Emily's new route
Nobody knows the massive mere creature from the lagoon said Thomas friend train James the red engine, black weird and wonderful figures move in the deep sea inlet loch water then disappear again, then James the really splendid engine quickly puffed away from the Island of Sodor water tower station.

Thomas James the really splendid engine quickly puffed away the Island of Sodor water tower station
Thomas tank Emily the emerald green engine was please she didn't have the troubled route going towards the black loch lake the home of Scottish railway trains Donald and Douglas the tank engine.
Toby the steam tram windmill cake shop baking flour bags Thomas & friends Emily the tank engine
At Toby the steam tram Sodor Island flour mill old windmill house, all the cake shop baking flour bags had been loaded into the railroad trucks, Thomas & friends Emily the tank engine was connected up, and then she puffed across the countryside to Knapford station.
Thomas and friends troublesome trucks excellent Emily the tank engine puffed across the countryside
Thomas and friends troublesome trucks opportunity for mischief Emily the train railway new route
But the Thomas and friends troublesome trucks saw a good opportunity for silly jokes and mischief, hold back hold back they screeched.

Thomas N friends Emily tank engine pulled as hard as she could, but the old steam rail car trucks made her travel very slowly on the route to the deluxe Thomas & friends Knapford station!
Thomas N friends Emily tank engine old steam rail car trucks bakery shop flour to Knapford station
Emily green engine was late delivering the bakery shop flour to Knapford station, so there would be no fresh bread or kids cakes to eat that day!

Thomas the tank engine and the Fat Controller was cross hot toast and jam or crumpets for breakfast
Thomas the tank engine and the Fat Controller was cross, this means I won't have any hot toast and jam or crumpets for breakfast, and if you are late again, you will have to do the black loch run instead of Thomas and friends James the really splendid engine.

Thomas and Emily the tank engine didn't want to have her buffer bashed by boulders and she didn't want to see the black loch monster.
James the really splendid engine Thomas and Emily the tank engine Knapford railway station platform
I must get the cake store flour to the number 1 Thomas railway station platform on time tomorrow, Thomas & Emily the green engine puffed out of Knapford railway station platform number 5.
At steam tram Toby's windmill the giggling troublesome trucks tricked Thomas Emily the train again
The next morning at steam tram Toby's windmill the giggling troublesome trucks tricked her again, off we go off we go they chuckled, but they weren't connected together properly!

Thomas and friends Emily green train engine puffed quickly Toby's windmill new route train travel
Mustn't be late mustn't be late the troublesome trucks giggled!

So Emily green train engine puffed quickly away from the Toby's windmill, but only half of the train wagon trucks went along with her.

Lovely Emily Thomas friend arrived at the Sodor main station platform 5, why you've only brought half of the Birthday cake flour recipe ingredients, the station master cried!
Lovely Emily Thomas friend Sodor main station platform 5 Birthday cake flour recipe station master
At the Knapford station Thomas and friends Emily knows best what to do, so she decides to go back for the rest of the flour trucks.

Knapford station Thomas and friends Emily knows best black loch run excellent Emily train new route
O no excellent Emily train engine cried I don't want to get the black loch run and visit the loch, when Emily the green engine arrived at the mill the wild woody wagon truck cars were more troublesome than ever.

Emily the late engine, she is the late engine the Sodor troublesome trucks sang, this made Thomas the tank engine Emily the train very angry and she biffed them very hard.
Flour mill Sodor troublesome trucks Thomas the tank engine Emily the train railway new travel route
O no they cried, the troublesome trucks roller coaster jumped of the track and splashed into the mill-lake Duck pond water.
Thomas troublesome trucks roller coaster jumped of the track splashed into mill-lake Duck pond water
After the big rail crash Thomas the tank engine friend Emily the beautiful train was covered from footplate to fender in a floury mess!
Big rail crash Thomas the tank engine friend Emily the beautiful train was covered in a floury mess

That evening the Fat Controller came to Knapford, and then to the big roundhouse to see Dash Emily and Thomas at Tidmouth sheds, you have caused confusion and delay on Sodor Sir Topham Hatt said.
The Fat Controller came to Knapford station to see Dash Emily and Thomas the tank engine and friends
Takeover James the red engine black loch highland tour route Thomas friend Emily the train unhappy
Now you are to takeover James the red engine black loch highland tour route, Thomas friend Emily train engine was very unhappy!

Wait until you've tried the old stronghold causeway Thomas the train and friends all puffed.

Some of the wildlife scenery at Lord Callan castle home and around your fresh route over the black loch waterside dash, may perhaps be an exceptionally pleasant landscape to view.
Wait until you've tried the old stronghold causeway railway new route Thomas the train and friends
I don't think so, Thomas and friends Emily the tank engine moaned, bashed railroad buffers and a gigantic monster, sounds like a very miserable train trip to me.

Thomas and friends Emily the tank engine puffed on the new road to Maithwaite station house platform
The next morning she puffed sadly on the new road to Maithwaite station house platform, plenty of young cheerful children and holiday makers climbed onboard excellent Thomas train Emily's new coaches.

Steam locomotive Emily tank was steaming up rocky hills and through lovely green railway valleys
They are all looking forward to their school holidays she thought, I mustn't let them down.

Soon steam locomotive Emily tank was steaming up rocky hills and through lovely green railway valleys, I bet these nice wilderness views won't last she said to her self.
Thomas the tank engine Emily the train reached the castle and deep murky waters of bark loch lagoon
Thomas the tank engine Emily the train had now reached the castle and deep murky waters of bark loch lagoon, that's where the terrible monster animal is supposed to live she puffed steam nervously.

Trouble on the tracks Emily's lucky day big rocks granite stone boulders fell down slippery mountain
Then there was trouble on the tracks, it wasn't Emily's lucky day big rocks and granite stone boulders fell-down from the slippery mountain side cliff top, that rough stony terrible landslide collapse was now blocking her attractive remote railroad line track route.

Thomas & friends Emily the green engine had to wait for assistance to come I knew I wouldn't take any pleasure from this rocky highland railway new route journey she miserably huffed.
huge horrifying monster Emily tank engine gasped she glimpsed something dark and mysterious looking
Suddenly she glimpsed something dark and mysterious looking, it was in very close proximity to the bank side ripples, the strange thing gradually moved from side to side through the cloudy waterway, and now that huge horrifying monster is coming Emily tank engine gasped.

Emily the train was so scared of the ghostly highland loch water monster, her steam boiler quivered and her valves rattled she really wanted to race away from the spooky shoreline!
Thomas the tank engine and Emily the train was so scared of the ghostly highland loch water monster

I never want to see black lagoon lochs and glens again she cried, however she thought of all the happy autumn harvest time tourists and visiting children, riding in her latest passenger express carriages behind her.
Excellent Emily the tank engine transport the rail day tripper sightseers to the holiday destination
She was without doubt determined to safely transport the rail day-tripper sightseers to the holiday destination what ever it took!

Following a long wait on that gloomy shore-front embankment the muddy water swell settled.
Thomas and friends Emily's new route lake monster really was a family of adorable gray baby seals
Now on Thomas and friends Emily's new route, she could distinguish what the lake monster really was.

Thomas and friends Emily's new coaches and she were delighted to sight the cute sea life animals
It's a family of adorable gray baby seals.

The two Thomas and friends Emily's new coaches and she were delighted to sight the cute sea life animals also the small children were delighted too.

Before long her isolated country branch-line course was cleared with Emily's rubbish rubble and rocks all removed.
Thomas friend Emily the green engine through gorgeous green countryside glens and woodland valleys
Then Thomas friend Emily the green engine steamed away onwards, all the way through the gorgeous green countryside glens and woodland valleys, now the company of children and visitors would reach their holiday getaway lodges in good time.

That late October evening Thomas and Emily the tank engine both stopped at the huge loch shore edge to watch the seals.
Late October evening Thomas and Emily the tank engine at the huge loch shore edge to watch the seals
You were correct Thomas the train Emily and the special coaches said the black monster loch haven is a nice new route after all.


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