The really useful steam-train engines who all rally round together, that never-never-never give up too maintain the Island of Sodor railway timetable is operating very well and professionally.
Even though Thomas the tank engine and friends are continuously hard working they are still taught important learning lessons, from the silly blunders that time and time again start from their unyielding self-importance.

In this fun cartoon Birthday Express Thomas and his Friends DVD compilation of 4 episodes, the family film topics are Percy and Thomas the train birthday partys and childrens social gathering.

Regardless of how hard Mr. Perkins tries all of his entertaining party pieces ultimate are unsuccessful flops on every one of his endeavors to generate an excitement kids-party act, including being a music man and learning how to play piano in addition to some circus juggling tricks with produce, must preschoolers will find this truly hilarious.
Thomas the Train Birthday Express Percy's Parcel Gift.
In this "movie picture of Thomas and friends Percy's Parcel delivers" the little green train Percy the tank engine has the task of an important present delivering, a huge birthday gift package to drop-off at the station.

Percy the tank engine knows he must safely carry this delightfully wrapped gift, however instead of transporting the beautiful birthday present package directly to the rail platform, he head out his way going along the old mine tracks.
With Percy the train engines great excitement to show off the colorful pink box to Sodor quarry train Mavis the diesel engine, it results in the important parcel getting increasingly growing more shabby and scruffy along the voyage.
Thomas and his Friends Birthday Express Double Trouble.

Next Sir Topham brings little Thomas tank the blue engine on a strange sightseeing train tour of the Island and visits the family picnic park in Whispering Woods forest trees.

It wasn't until later when Thomas the tank engine gains the knowledge of the information, that jolly Sir Topham Hatt is really the Fat Controller's not so polished doppelganger brother, than the mystery puzzle is solved everything is made clear to blue engine Edward Thomas and his friends.
In Double Trouble Thomas the train discovers he must not be scared in finding answers or ask questions if he is no sure.
Thomas the tank engine Birthday Express: The Man in the Hills.
High up in the Sodor Mountain top Rusty the diesel engine, Sir Handel, train Peter sam, Duncan tank engine Skarloey narrow gauge engines were preparing for the Mr. Percival the Thin Controller grand birthday celebration day.

Thomas the blue train soon learned the narrow gauge Sodor Skarloey railway Thin Controller was an enthusiast for the old folklore and magic legend stories about The Man in the Hills. The old story fable is of an enchanting gentleman covered in white that stands on a mountain-hillside.
Thomas the tank engine promises his railway friends to locate the man in the hills, and then transport the mountain-man to the Mr. Percival birthday party.
But Thomas train is far too swollen with pride to ask assistance from Fearless Freddie tank engine that is more familiar with the Island of Sodor hill railway tracks better than anyone, and then Thomas the blue engine ends up bringing mistaken people to the vicinity of the narrow gauge train station and delaying the train Birthday party.

In the end Thomas and his engine friends finds the man in the hill and Birthday Express party is held out side the tall giant white chalk figure of man in the hills.
Thomas and Friends Birthday Express The Party Surprise.
In "The Party Surprise," Thomas and Friends Freddy the train assists the narrow gauge railway Thin Controller, to prepare for his childrens festive winter happy holiday party, at his small cottage house next to the train sheds.

Brave little engine Freddy the train was determined to move the Thomas and friends merry winter snow party to Colin an the Sodor ship transport wharf, except he was unsuccessful in getting permission first from Mr. Percival the train controller.
On the way for looking for Thin Controller he found Peter sam the tank engine and Rusty the diesel train, so Freddy took the colored lights and party decorations to the Sodor Island shipping wharf.
All this consequently results in misunderstanding and delay with kid's party supplies, but in the end little blue train Thomas and his Friends the narrow gauge train engines have an enjoyable get-together, at the Sodor quayside wharf.
Thomas & Friends: Birthday Express DVD disc bonus features.
The additional benefit feature on this Thomas the tank engine DVD is The Birthday Express Game, this is an entertaining straightforward Thomas the train game to play, where your child is shown different Sodor-Island railroad landscapes, then there're told to click on the colored parcel corresponding its spoken description.

Another great bonus is an episode of the childrens animated program, Roary the Racing Car.
Previews on this Thomas & Friends DVD disc include "Thomas the tank engine Misty Island Rescue movie" as well as "Katharine Holabird cartoon, Angelina Ballerina character all in pink - The Next Step Just Dance."
Thomas & Friends: Birthday Express DVD
Its time to hold on tight for some full steam ahead high-speed birthday excitement!
Now you can watch your rail cartoon favorite children's movies, miniature railway characters in the exciting episodes, on this particular Thomas and his Friends story DVD collection, from famous Lionsgate studio and HIT Entertainment.

Fun kids theme Birthday cakes and partys for eternity will arrive with a happy gift-box surprises, especially whilst the Sodor toy steam engine friends are ingredient in your little ones celebration event.
The Birthday Express DVD Thomas & Friends Episode collection Include:
- Thomas the train Percy's Parcel
- Thomas the tank engine Double Trouble
- Thomas and The Man in the Hills
- The Party Surprise
- Birthday Special Thomas and friends Game
- Red Roary the Racing Car Animation Episode

Having four pleasurable episodes with a running time is 46 minutes this bright and fresh up-to-the-minute Birthday Express DVD will make a tremendous addition to your toddler's movie collection.
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