On the big party day the Fat Controller came to the Sodor roundhouse Tidmouth sheds. I have decided to take my mother on a Birthday picnic party, I want to show her somewhere special.
I can take you to Shen valley holiday spot Sir Topham Hatt said Thomas the tank engine quickly that is a very good Birthday party idea Thomas the train engine boomed the Fat Controller.

Latter Thomas Annie Clarabel puffed proudly into Knapford station, he was so exited, and Sir Topham Hatt, Lady Hatt and Dowager Hatt were all waiting in there Birthday best clothing.

He was cheery and smiling but the Fat Controller mother wasn't smiling she looked very stern standing there in her pick hat. She made Thomas feel nervous.
Just then Percy the small engine chuffed into new deluxe Knapford station, you'll have a wonderful time said peep-peep Percy and Thomas the train stopped feeling worried.

This was going to be the best train Birthday picnic party ever.

Finally they arrived at the Shen lovely valley hills there was whistling woods and blue sparkling fishing streams flowing, next to green grass flower meadow fields.
Thomas & his friends Annie and Clarabel were sure the Fat Controller mother would like this charming holiday tourist place!

It was a picture perfect English countryside place for a Birthday party picnic, the Fat Controller his wife and his mother looked at the fields, but they didn't smile!

Cinders and ashes cried Thomas the tank engine, we can't have a summer picnic party here said the Fat Controller firmly.
You will have to have another Birthday party idea, bur hurry-up my mother is getting very hungry.
Thomas the train engine thought very hard and then he set off down the tracks.

Thomas the tank engine pumped his pistons even harder too travel to the other side of the Island, he crossed the rickety iron suspension bridge on the way to lord Callan's castle grounds at castle loch.
This is my best idea yet chuffed Thomas the train, at the old Scottish medieval-castle station platform the Fat Controller spoke to the station master.
Thomas said the Fat Controller the castle gardens is closed for redecoration and repairs, please have another one of your ideas for a Birthday party picnic and be quick about it.

So Thomas the little blue train setoff from the old fortress, he rocked and rolled along the line, he huffed and puffed.
The Fat Controller his wife and his mother were bounced inside Annie and Clarabel passenger carriages.

The Fat Controller leaned out the Sodor railway carriage window, enough Thomas train he boomed stop he came to a stop, where are you taking use now.
I don't know said peep peep Thomas the tank engine sadly, I've run out of picnic party ideas.
Then we will have to cancel the Birthday picnic party it's to late, the cake and sandwiches lunch time has past and my mother wants to go home.

Thomas train hoped he would have another idea before he got to Knapford station, but as he pulled into platform one, not a single fun festivity idea had flown into his funnel.
The Fat Controller his wife and his mother got of the train tour trip ride and with a low steam-whistle peep peep Thomas the train engine chuffed sadly back to Tidmouth sheds.

When Thomas 7 friends all met at the Tidmouth roundhouse sheds, Edward train, Henry and Gordon the big engine had all herd the bad news, that Thomas's good ideas had gone wrong.
Nothing went right on the train tour he grumbled sadly.

Don't worry said Thomas and friends Percy the small engine happily, I'm certain the Fat Controller and his mother enjoyed the big pink Birthday bake. The party Birthday cake Thomas gasped I steamed off before they could unload it. Now Sir Topham Hatt mother won't even be able to have her Birthday tea.

Percy the small engine wanted to whistle cheerfully but his whistle wasn't working it was blocked Sodor quarry bust.
Whistle strong Percy the train like this said Gordon the big engine and he blow a long low musical note.
I find toot toots better beautiful engine Emily train chirped and she gave two high toot notes. No-no-no said Henry train slow and strong is always best whistled Henry the tank engine.

That's it Thomas toot tooted our steam whistles Percy the green engine, James the train, Gordon the big engine and the other Thomas 7 friends were all puzzled, he grinned I've had another idea for the Birthday get-together.

When they arrived at Knapford station they could hardly believe their eyes, there was beautiful engine Emily train and Gordon the big engine with colorful bunting flags, Percy James and red balloon party decorations, fine buffet food the chocolate-crunch beautiful Birthday cake with candles.

This is the best Birthday picnic ever smiled Dowager Hatt.
Thomas the train boomed Sir Topham Hatt this is your best idea yet, Thomas the tank engine and friends was thrilled.
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