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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Train Thomas And The Toy Shop Kids Online Stories With Pictures

The Island of Sodor number 1 engine Train Thomas and the toy shop kids online stories with pictures for you to enjoy.
Henrietta Toby the wooden tram train Henry Thomas and his friends engines cheerfully in the snow
It was bright crisp winter day on the Island of Sodor, Henrietta Toby the wooden tram, train Henry Thomas and his friends engines were cheerfully hard at work in the snow carrying the happy Xmas holiday passengers and cargo wagons from Sodor lumber yard.

Thomas the tank engine was very excited he had a winter adventure special job to do, the toy shop store was to have grand opening party for the winter holiday season.
Island of Sodor number 1 engine Train Thomas and the toy shop kids online stories with snow pictures
The busy plant workers at the teddy bear and doll toy factory had worked hard making lots & lots of kids educational games and toys, in time for the Island of Sodor station grand opening ceremony night.
Thomas the train winter adventure toyshop the teddy bear and doll toy factory kids educational games
Thomas the train engine job take the kids toys and games to the town center railroad model toyshop Thomas the train engine job was to take the kids toys and games from the small factory to the railroad model toyshop store in the town center.

Its was hard work traveling in the snow, but train Thomas tank was enjoying it.

He felt like a really useful engine doing something so important for the holiday winter season, also he was looking forward to seeing the childrens happy faces at the kids party night.
Train Thomas the tank engine at the Christmas holiday winter season childrens wooden toy shop store
On the day of the grand opening celebration the Fat Controller came to the roundhouse bays at Tidmouth sheds too see express Gordon James Percy and Thomas the tank engine friends.
The Fat Controller at Tidmouth sheds express Gordon James Percy and Thomas the tank engine friends
A new machine for the childrens wooden toy factory plant has arrived on the Island of Sodor world of adventure he said proudly.

Thomas and friends Henry the train I want you to pick it up from cranky the crane at Brendam docks and take it to the toy-making factory warehouse as soon as possible.
Train Thomas and the toy shop kids online stories Thomas and friends Henry the train roundhouse bays
Sodor Fat Controller Train Thomas and the toy shop stories Sir Topham Hatt Henry the tank engine And while you are there Sir Topham Hatt added, big express Henry the tank engine can take the final consignment load of play toys and Christmas gifts from the childrens wooden toy factory to the toyshop store.

Thomas the tank engine was disappointed he thought that was his transport train job.

Maybe he could pickup the toddles and children after their school class, then take them to the new toy train games superstore grand opening event.

But the Fat Controller gave that job to Emerald Emily the beautiful engine!
Thomas the tank engine disappointed Fat Controller gave a job to Emerald Emily the beautiful engine
You are to do other jobs today Sir Topham Hatt told Thomas the train engine this made him sad.
Transport train Thomas and the toy shop kids online stories with pictures Tidmouth roundhouse shed
Driving through the railway snow landscape Thomas the tank engine hurried off to start his latest set of railroad jobs, but he was very gloomy not to be helping with the magnificent opening of the toy doll shop.
Driving through the snow landscape Thomas the tank engine hurried to start his latest railroad jobs
The railway track signal light at the next station was red Thomas the number one engine stopped opposite the small airfield, the branch line Dryaw station master was waiting for him with an important message, the special letter was from Sir Topham Hatt.
Thomas the number one engine stopped opposite the small airfield branch line Dryaw station master

Thomas and friends Emily the beautiful engine is broken down said branch line railway station masterThomas and friends Emily the beautiful engine has broken down said the Sodor branch line railway station master, you must get all your jobs done as quickly as possible, then you are to collect the little children after school and take them to the toy shop store.

Thomas the train engine was sad for Emerald Emily the beautiful engine but especially excited to take the children to the new toy store, he puffed away quickly.

There was a lot of things accomplish that wintry weather cold day, but train Thomas tank was happy to be helping with the splendid opening winter festivities after all.
Thomas the train engine Emerald Emily the beautiful engine excited to take children to toyshop store
Having so much enthusiasm he almost burst his boiler as he steamed around Sodor Island on his winter adventure in the snow.
Steam tank Thomas train engine finished his jobs picked up Annie and Clarabel coaches at Knapford

At last steam tank Thomas train engine finished his jobs, and then he went too picked up Annie and Clarabel coaches at Knapford station and steamed off swiftly toward too collect the young school children for the splendid holiday get-together opening.
Little blue number 1 train Thomas with Annie and Clarabel coaches puffed into freight shipping docks
Little blue number 1 train Thomas with Annie and Clarabel coaches puffed through the freight shipping docks, he was surprised to see big express Henry the train engine was unmoving and still present.
Steam locomotive Henry the green engine trapped by large wooden shipping crate smashed on the tracks

Thomas the train sea vessel quayside anchorage Thomas and his friends cranky the crane Brendam docksThen Thomas the engine saw next to the sea vessel quayside anchorage, that his friend steam locomotive Henry the green engine was trapped by a large wooden shipping crate smashed on the tracks.

What happened cranky the crane Thomas and friends asked him?

That old wood cargo shipping box slipped off my hook snapped Cranky the crane bad-temperedly.

Thomas the number one engine was worried Henry the train still had to collect the last load of Christmas toys and games from the factory for the toy shop.
Thomas the number one engine Henry the train to collect Christmas toys and games for the toy shop
What if the winter kids toys arrive late for the big toystore opening party whished Thomas, the small children will be extremely disappointed!

Train Thomas and the toy shop store kids online stories with pictures sir Henry train engine loco I'll go as soon as the railway line is clear huffed sir Henry train engine loco, I know that puffed little blue locomotive train Thomas engine excitedly.

I can collect the new toys from the factory then I'll pickup the children at the junior school house.

You won't be able to pull and heave ho Thomas the blue train all the railway tucks of seasonal holiday toy gifts in addition to Annie and Clarabel the coaches, said big green Henry the train engine.

Don't worry big engine Henry Thomas the train whistled, I can do it! And train Thomas Annie and Clarabel chuffed swiftly away out of Brendam ship docks.
Henry Thomas the train whistled train Thomas Annie and Clarabel chuffed out of Brendam ship docks
There was very little time remaining before the childrens toy model shop grand opening night, got to hurry got to hurry puffed Thomas train.

Doing our best, we are doing our best Thomas Annie and Clarabel the wooden coaches chanted.
Big engine Henry Thomas the train whistled train Thomas Annie and Clarabel coach Brendam ship docks
At last Thomas reach the wooden toy factory warehouse, he was connected up to a long train of trucks and little blue number 1 train Thomas with Annie and Clarabel set of for the toy shop at Knapford station.
Wooden toy little blue number 1 train Thomas with Annie and Clarabel toyshop at Knapford station
Steam train Thomas tank working hard all day he wasn't familiar heavy heave ho of pulling trucks Steam train Thomas tank had been working hard all day and he wasn't familiar with the heavy heave ho of pulling weighty trucks.

Its very hard work trekking along on this ice Annie and Clarabel Thomas puffed, you can do it you can do it Thomas Clarabel and Annie the two coaches sang.

Soon Thomas the train Clarabel and Annie were steaming up the snow coved steep main line express Gordon's hill slope.
Thomas the train Clarabel and Annie steaming up snow coved steep main line express Gordon's hill
Must get to the mound top, must get to the hill-top he wheezed, but this number 1 engine when slower and slower, until eventually little blue Thomas and his train friends stopped altogether.

I have to go on gasp Thomas the tank engine but he wasn't strong enough, the long train of trucks started to pull Thomas backwards down the vertical hill.
Thomas the tank engine not strong enough long train trucks pulled backwards down the vertical hill
He applied his steam power assisted brakes but they didn't help, he slid on the frosty frozen rails all the way to the bottom of Gordon's hill.

Blue steam train Thomas tank engine was very upset. I've let everyone down he puffed sadly, especially the children!
Steam train Thomas tank engine the toyshop store upset let everyone down especially the children
Just then he heard another Thomas and friends steam-engine locomotives coming it was big green Henry the train engine, Salty the dockyard diesel and the workmen had cleared the line at the Sodor sea docks.

What is the matter locomotive train Thomas Henry the tank engine asked him? Thomas tank told him, you were correct steam engine Henry Thomas the train said unhappily.
Train Thomas Henry the tank engine and the toy shop kids online stories with pictures Gordon's hill
This Sodor mail train load of parcel presents is too heavy for me to heave and haul, I should have listened to your wise words and now I recognize I could do with your help!

What can I do to assist you? Chuffed wise old steam locomotive Henry the tank engine in a kind voice.
Train Thomas the tank engine and Henry the train engine childrens toyshop Xmas present toy trucks
You take the Xmas present toy trucks to the toy shop whistled train Thomas and I'll pickup the children, but we must hurry! So the number one train Thomas and Henry did steam around Sodor Island, both voyaging along at high-speed.
Thomas and friends Henry the train engine chuffed as rapidly with the kids Christmas toy train gifts
Thomas and friends Henry the train engine chuffed as rapidly as he could move with the kids Christmas toy train gifts and presents, rattling and racing along the cold winter frosty line in the direction of the new toys and model shop.

Thomas the tank engine puffed around the Island of Sodor railway tracks as fast as he could travel, the lively children cheered and chapped when they saw him coming.
Thomas the tank engine and friends puffed around Sodor railway tracks as fast as he could travel
You won't be late he whistled as he steamed from Elsbridge station en route for Ffarquhar station and they weren't.
Thomas the train engine whistled as he steamed from Elsbridge station en route for Ffarquhar station
At the beautifully decorated station Thomas and friends Toby tram express Gordon, James and Percy Emily the tank engine were all contently waiting, train Thomas tank arrived at Knapford main station platform just in time for the new shopping superstore grand opening occasion.
Decorated station Thomas and friends Toby tram express Gordon James and Percy Emily the tank engine
It saw a joyful magical sight to witness for Henry and little locomotive train Thomas and his friends, there was flashing color Christmas lights, party balloons and lots and lots of games, dolls and teddy bear kids play toys for sale on display in the window.
A magical sight Henry train Thomas and his friends flashing color Christmas lights party balloons
Standing at his podium pillar The Fat Controller declared the games and model train toys toyshop for children now open for this snowy merry Xmas winter holiday season, everybody cheered and ecstatically applauded.
Snowy merry Xmas winter holiday season The Fat Controller childrens games and model-toys toyshop
Thomas tank was so please to see the childrens happy faces, you were right Henry Thomas the tank engine and friends tooted, from this day forward I will leave pulling the heavy transport trucks designed for you.
Train Thomas and the toy shop store big express Henry Thomas the tank engine and friends all tooted

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