On the sunny Island of Sodor steam engine Edward the great railway blue train is the same color as Thomas the tank engine and the same size as splendid James the red engine, he can pull passenger carriages and push coal trucks, furthermore he frequently works as a shoving back engine for main line passenger express Gordon the train.

However at the present Edward the tank engine is getting old and not as strong as the diesel Salty and the other Sodor Thomas tank steam engines, so sometimes elderly steam locomotive Edward train feels a smidgen left-out.

The grand Duke and his wife the Duchess of Boxford came to visit the new holiday summer dwelling they arrived at the shipping Brendam sea port dockyard, traveling from the mainland on their own personal special engine called speedy Spencer the tank engine.

Thomas and friends Spencer the train is big and gleaming silver colored, in addition to being able to proceed along the rail-lines at an exceedingly fast.

Undoubtedly boasted speedy Spencer the tank engine! I'm faster and finer than each and every one of the sluggish engines on the Island of Sodor even if you put them in chorus all together he bragged.
All standing in a line at most important Island of Sodor station Knapford Thomas the tank engine Percy James and Gordon the train express the Fat Controller engines, were all very cross at him.
Gray Spencer train is just a big silver show off sniffed Gordon the tank engine and every one at Knapford railway platform agreed with him.

The two smart station porters and The Fat Controller spoke to James Thomas and the 7 railway engines, Spencer the train will take the royal Duke and Duchess of Boxford to the magnificent summer holiday home furthermore an additional Sodor really useful engine will transport the modern interior luxury house furniture on a flatbed wagon.
Sir Topham Hatt steam locomotives saw the chance for a great race all around Sodor tracks, please Sir Hatt could I go said Thomas Percy Gordon and James the red engine all together?

Thomas and friends James and Gordon the big engine express train grunted, fancy sending a back engine to perform a mainline express engines job sniffed Big Gordon express!
He will without doubt loss the great railway race letting down each and every one of the Island of Sodor railroad engines said Thomas and his friends James the red engine to everybody at the big station.

Thomas and Percy the small green engine were cross Edward the train engine was truly a good friend, Spencer has a bigger boiler replied #1 Thomas tank, but that just means more hot air .
Thomas the tank engine a good honest steam train can easily beat in a competition any pouting puffer, whatever the day is added tiny green GWR Pannier Percy the train.
Edward the great railway blue train engine set-off slow and steady out the railway-station!

I'll do my best Edward the great railway train said to #6 Percy and Thomas the train & friends, as he headed out of Knapford platform with his jam-packed wagon load of heavy wooden chairs and tables furniture.
Overconfident Silver Spencer the train promptly departed and quickly past number 2 Edward the blue engine at the railway signal box.

I've won the great train race already called out Spencer singing his own praises and with a loud whoosh of white steam smoke he was gone, leaving Thomas tank and the engines behind.
A bit farther down the railway track Thomas and friends Edward tank engine arrived at the foot of a steep hill the freight wagon consignment was extremely weighty to haul and he felt very heavy-eyed and sleepy.

He could see bigheaded Spencer engine faraway in the distance and set chase immediately Thomas & friends Edward the train raced down the mountain slope tracks.
Spencer stopped at the Island of Sodor Wellsworth station Thomas tank and Toby the tram engine favorite platform stop.

After some time Thomas the tank engine Edward train doddered along the Wellsworth railway track into view, hurry-up old boy chuckled Spencer the big engine, I can't have you finishing the great contest a very long way behind me.

Old steam locomotive number 2 Edward the tank engine wished he could have a nice rest at the little station coffee shop as well.
However the station master as well as the Sodor railway luggage bag porters had heard all about the big race from Thomas and Percy the train, the suitcases porters all happily shouting hip-hip hurray for big blue Edward the great train engine as he voyaged by.

Happily hearing the cheers steam tank Edward the great railway blue train engine picked up steam, he proudly puffed along the track past arrogant Spencer engine, but then the Royal Duchess and Duke of Boxford had now finished the pot of tea and fairy cupcakes.
And speedy Spencer the tank engine was off in a flash, he rumbled past Edward the tank engine, fastest and best, I am the very fastest and best he chirruped.

Ahead Spencer the silver engine had to bring to a standstill his railway journey, because the grand Duke and Duchess both sought to take some pretty picture landscape photographs of the green beautiful countryside Mountains and trees.

Thomas and his friends Gordon the tank engine was returning to the sea fishing port of Brendam docks, he pasted large locomotive Spencer and Gordon knew Edward the train must be losing the race.
The Thomas and his friends Edward the old train, is really a huge waste of steam power, he pompously sniffed!

But when big blue Sodor engine number 4 Gordon and the express coaches passed Edward and saw what an enterprising engine he was and how hard he was trying to win the race, LNER Gordon train felt awfully bad, about what he had said.

Well done really useful engine Edward Gordon called you are a credit to the railway, Edward the blue engine was so happy his steam boiler quivered he found extra steam puff he never knew he had.

The Duke and Duchess had finished taking the charming woodland and valley photograph pictures and got back onboard the red deluxe railway carriage.

Its time to depart for the summer residence said the silver locomotive Spence engine driver and rang his polished brass bell, however nothing happened sleepy Spencer train was happily snoozing and dreaming of a grand and great victory at the summer house finish line.

The engine driver rang the warning bell sound another time, when Spencer the train finally opened his heavy eyes he could see Edward the great heading along the line towards the vacation summer house.
Almost close, nearly there Thomas tank friend Edward gasped roll along the railway track line!

Hauling his luxury carriage Thomas and friends Spencer the tank engine started out as swiftly as his wheels could spin, although as he reached the railway line junction points siding, his cab rail driver instructed him to slowdown.

These are Island of Sodor train old railway track sleeper timbers and you are a very heavy locomotive engine he said, you must go slowly Spencer the silver engine had no choice, he had to reduce speed and he trundled gradually down the small siding.

With each click noise and every clacking sound he knew he had lost the competition and Thomas & friends Edward the really useful engine was going to be triumphant.

Thomas the tank engine friend number 2 Edward the tank engine now considered he was the pride of the Sodor railway lines and his was correct.
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