He happily steamed in to the old wooden Sodor roundhouse sheds at Tidmouth railway yard, good morning Thomas the tank engine he called I look my very best and do you why Thomas tank?
Why replied Thomas the train wondering what was going on?
Because the grand Duke and Duchess of Boxford are visiting the Island for an extended stay in the summer house, the steam-railway manager Sir Topham Hatt will be choosing me as there summer holiday vacation special locomotives, par thought Thomas the train.

Next he traveled to the Sodor locomotive wash, after Thomas and friends Gordon the big engine had been washed cleaned and polished so his paint work shone blue brightly, he rusted away to meet the new island's holiday visitors.

I am going to be late for the guests, big express engine Gordon train mumbled sadly.
A huge fast train Eurorail engine rocketed pasted.
Steaming pistons and bubbling boilers! Who was that he thought to his self?

Who are you asked Gordon train? This is the dazzling new Eurorail train Spencer the tank engine James the train called back "Eurorail Spencer the silver train is the fasted steam-engine in the world".
O But secretly Thomas and friends Gordon the train was imprested with this high-speed travel locomotive.

I'm big silver Spenser the Duke and Duchess Privet Euro-train engine, I take them every-were called Spencer train proudly to James Thomas the train and friends!
Quirt said Sir Topham Hatt there will be a summer time garden party for our visiting Island guests at Maron station house.

That small place is really fare away over Gordon's hill shouted red James the train. He will need to take on plenty of cold water mumbled Thomas and friends Gordon the tank engine.
I have plenty of water whooshed Spencer the Euro-express train and he raced away from them all down the rail tracks. I was only trying to help and be useful grunted Thomas and friends Gordon the blue train.

In Knapford station the platform guard blow his whistle and waved the green flag, Spenser set of with the Duke and Duchess of Boxford in there bright red coach car.

Annie Clarabel Thomas the tank engine and Gordon the big engine was colleting the traveling passenger, when silver Spencer the tank engine raced through on his way to the grand-station party at Maron.

Don't forget the water refill said Gordon the tank engine! Who cares Thomas and Gordon Spencer train replied as he was going under the road bridge.
He will be in trouble soon said Thomas the tank engine and Spencer train was it trouble on the tracks very soon!

At the railroad main office big boss Sir Topham Hatt got a phone call and soon found out the news, I will send Gordon the train to the rescue.
When Thomas the train Gordon the tank engine arrived back at Wellsworth, the station master was waiting for him. You need too go search and rescue stranded Silver Spencer the train he has got stuck on the steep hill side.

Hurry Gordon train said his driver we must go now. Steam express engine Gordon the blue train was really looking forward to traveling up the hill and seeing Spencer the train, run-out-of-steam water he taunted him grinning.

"YES" snapped big silver Spencer the train, I must have a leaky water-tank!
Perhaps smiled big express engine Gordon the blue train, but we better hurry back to the railway station party, ever one there is waiting for use.
Thomas and friends Gordon train switch rail tracks to Spencer's track line, next he was connected up, then they all set off in a long parade up the hill for the Maron station platform.
Soon they arrived at the party decorated station, the Fat Controller was waiting for them, see said Gordon express we're exactly on time Spencer the tank engine was embraced about the water.

What you think now of big Spencer Thomas the tank engine whispered to his friends James and Toby the tram?
To much puff and not enough steam Thomas and friends James the red engine laughed loudly.
Well done big express engine Gordon the tank engine said the Fat Controller you are the fastest engine on Sodor Island. I know that said Gordon the train speaking softly to Sir Topham Hatt and Thomas train.
Watch U Tube Thomas and friends DVD Big express engine Gordon and Spencer the tank engine movie-clip for children.
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