One morning the Fat Controller car had broken down Edward the blue engine was to move the old-car from Maithwaite station to Maron station. The automobile garage mechanic was waiting at the old railway-station to fix it, Edward engine was proud to help the Fat Controller.

Hello Edward train do you want to hear a good joke?
Where do crocodiles keep their money?
I don't know said Edward the train engine.
In a river bank, Charlie called giggling!
But Edward didn't laugh, he didn't even smile.
I have an important job to do;
I have to transport the Fat Controllers car to Maron station platform to be fixed, he requires it for this evening, and I must hurry.

The Thomas and friends Charlie tank engine groaned, you know Train Edward maybe you're too old to be fun!
Locomotive Edward stop he didn't like this, he didn't like being tolled he was too old to be fun; he thought he was as much fun as any of the young Sodor-engines.
I can be a lot of fun Charlie train he said! The show me! Edward the tank engine huffed and puffed, he knew he should chuff carefully to Maron station house with the Fat Controller car, but he also knew that Thomas and Charlie wouldn't think that he was fun.

So Edward train decided not to take the careful strait railway track. Follow me Charlie tank; I'll take you on the bumpiest and jumpiest, the twisty and turn track going to Maron station.
Then you are going to see just how much fun I can be! I'm ready fast Eddie.
So Edward the train puffed away to Maron-station with tank engine Charlie chuffing close behind him. First blue locomotive Edward and Charlie the tank engine clickety clacked along the bumpiest railway sleeper tracks on Sodor, they both wiggled jiggled and joggled around and they bumped and they jumped.

Next tank engine Edward and Charlie the train rattled around some of the most bendy railway tracks they could find. Fizzling fire-boxers I didn't think you would be this much fun and games to play at!

How do you know when an engine is eating?
I don't know Eddie replied, tell me!
You can hear it choo-choo chewing!
The two steam engine friends started to laugh.
Eddie engine you really are the most fun of all!
At last tank engine Edward and Charlie the train arrived at Maron station building, Thomas the train was there, but there was no car mechanic on the train station-platform.

Hello said Thomas tank, the repair shop mechanic was waiting here for you, but now he has gone away on the red Bertie the bus ride.
Now Edward the blue engine was worried o no he said, I spent too much time on the bumpy and bendy tracks having fun and games.

He didn't like this; "NO" I can be much more fun than that!
We will chase along after Bertie the bus and catch up with the car mechanic.
A good-idea I'm ready Eddie.
So Edward and Charlie train setoff on there high-speed adventure starting there chase, they both quickly raced and chased after Bertie the red bus.
They thundered thought railway junctions.
They flow over the old train-bridges and they traveled in long tunnels.
But the two of them couldn't catch up with Bertie bus.

Now Edward the blue engine was even more worried, he had not done his job now the Fat Controller would be angry at him.
I think we should stop at the rail track-junctions then we can ask the signal man to send a message to the car motor mechanic.

Charlie was amazed bubbling boilers that will be the best-fun of all.
I'm ready Steady-Eddie!
So the duo voyage away to the steamworks. Charlie and Eddie steamed in, hello Kevin crane were is Victor the train?
Hello said Kevin Victor the tank engine has gone to pickup an engine-part, can I help you?
I would like you to fix the Fat Controller car, Kevin the crane was flabbergasted, and we don't repair car vehicles here just steam-locos.

I am certain you can fix it, we will return back in a while to pickup the car.
Tank engine Edward your not to old to have fun you're the most fun of all, that made him very happy.
Later that day they retuned to the steamworks, Kevin the crane was extremely exited. Here you are! Kevin the crane moved away to the side laughing. There was the Fat Controller car with a large blue train-funnel on its roof. It's a fun funnel said crane Kevin.

Edward gasped, just then the Fat Controller arrive he didn't think the funnel was funny at all.

He felt terrible, I am sorry Sir Topham Hatt I was trying to be really useful and really fun but it has all gone wrong this is a disaster.
I wish I had just been really useful, so do I said Sir Topham Hatt.
Please sir I can take you and lady Hatt this evening, then tomorrow morning your car will be fixed. Very well then!
Edward the train engine puffed into Knapford station with lady Hatt and the Fat Controller.

Charlie train was there, hello Eddie train I am ready for more fun, not now Charlie it's not the time for fun, and it's the time to be really useful engines. I have to scurry along to the steamworks now.
He puffed into the steamworks Charlie the train steamed close behind him, would you like to hear another joke!
No thank you this isn't the time for jokes, I have to collect the Fat Controller car, Kevin please take away that funnel on the Fat Controller car. It was fun but it wasn't really useful.
Right boss, what ever you say!
Thank you Kevin-crane!
Later Edward the blue engine puffed out of the steamworks with the Fat Controller car, it was as good as new and funnel free.

All along the track people cheered and clapped this is good-fun said Edward and Charlie had to agree.
Charlie and Eddie Thomas the train Youtube video
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