The Thomas and friends Island of Sodor Skarloey railway narrow gauge engines work very hard, they puff and chuff all day up and down the rocky hills.

The Thomas Rusty the diesel and Sir Handel Island of Sodor narrow gauge steam engines had to work extra hard pulling heavy dirty black coal trucks up and down the long steep track, until the end of the day when they could take a break and rest there aching axle wheels.

That evening gallant old Rheneas and Thomas the tank engine puffed into the goods transfer yard, all the Skarloey railway narrow gauge engines were present!

Thomas the tank engine was delivering steel winches and wires to repair the broken incline lift.

Long long ago began little locomotive Skarloey engine, there was a legendary old steam train called Proteus the tank engine, who worked on the high mountain railway narrow-gauge tracks transporting cargo loads.
Proteus train lamp shone so bright you could see it glowing for miles around, Proteus the train said it was a magic lamp!

Now Thomas and friends Proteus did promise use, that if any lucky engine ever found this wonderful magic lamp, there wishes would come true.
How would you know it was the old Proteus the tank engine magic train lamp, ask Thomas and Duncan the tank engine doubting him.

First you feel a rush of wind when ever the magic lamp is near Skarloey the tank engine chuffed softly, then you hear a ghostly strange creaking sound and finally he added, you will see the rail track train light flicker on and off, then off and on again.

Soon all the lifting pulley steel-winches and wires were transferred from Thomas the tank engine wagons and loaded into Peter Sam the train trucks.
I have work to do huffed Peter Sam the tank engine I'm a really useful engine no a really silly one.

The thin controller and the Sodor Railway Inspectors say the steep incline elevation must be working by tomorrow morning, so I won't be wasting my time looking for a vanished silly magic lamp Peter Sam the train tooted proudly and he quickly steamed away from Skarloey Thomas and friends, out of the narrow gauge railway yard.

Latter that evening the full silver moon was shining brightly through the nights foggy mist, Peter Sam huffed and puffed along the narrow track.
The magic lamp I know isn't true, it's just an old story and quit silly too he said.
In the lonely hazy moonlit hours of darkness, Peter Sam the tank engine gradually clickety clacked over the miasma covered wooden sleeper rails, heading towards the steam railway signal junction-points.

Suddenly he felt in the night air a great rush of gusting wind, his railroad wheel axles wobbled and his wagon chain couplings creaked.

What's happening Peter Sam whistled nervously a ghost train? He was so surprised Peter Sam puffed along strait past the railway junction turning and up the wrong train-track line, going fare away from the quarry mine incline lift!
Little steam locomotive Peter Sam still didn't believe the Skarloey story about Proteus the tank engine and the magic train lamp.
But then in the white mist he heard an eerie creaking sound and his old iron wheels began too wibbled and wobble about on the rails.
Up ahead in the distance a tiny light flickered on and off, then off and on again, and then he saw the glowing light!

It was just the Sodor fog man's old brass oil lantern it creaked and crocked as it swung about in the nighttime breeze outside his wooden log-cabin hut.

Peter Sam the train was now even further away from the out of order incline slate trucks elevator.
The magic train lamp I know isn't true, it's just an old legend and most silly too he said quietly to himself.
Then suddenly there was another blowing rush of wind, then a weird wraithlike creaking sound and finally a flashing light flicker on and off, then off and on again.

The howling wind, the bizarre unearthly creaking noise and the strobing flashlight could it be the Proteus magic train lamp, thought small Thomas and friends Peter Sam train?

Then he saw something looking like a magic lantern, it wasn't Proteus the train light, it was the glow from the hot sparkling bonfire at the children scout camp site and it was the woodland trees, which were making the weird-wacky strange creaking echo in the night's blustery weather wind.

I knew that all along gasped Peter Sam the train, but now he chuffed on towards the mountain canyon even farther and more slowly down the railway tracks.
Peter Sam the tank engine was now at the bottom of a steep hill and now he was completely lost, he didn't know what to do!

I wish I could find the truck lift incline and wish I could be safe at home with orange small Rusty the diesel and Thomas the train in the wooden railway sheds, with my Sodor railway friends wished Peter Sam puffed softly, I wish I could find Proteus the train magic railway lamp.

Suddenly he felt a rush of icy wind wipe around his wheels, then he heard the strangest creaking crocking noise and then he saw a flashing flickering light far away, which flashed on and off, then off and on for a second time.
It came from the top of the hill fearfully Peter Sam the train gulped it must be the Proteus train magic lamp shining.
At the bottom of the canyon frightened Steam engine Peter Sam knew he had to climb up the foggy pitch-black hill and find this odd blinking light, the wrestling squally whipping wind whirled and steered bowling through the trees.

The ghostly piercing sound became a whooshing and a wishing, with the strong light that did flickered brighter and brighter.
Small steam train Peter Sam the tank engine puffed up slowly climbing to the top of the steep sand stone mountain hill, and in attendance hovering at the smoggy knoll summit, was the Sodor recovery Harold the helicopter.

It was his spinning rotary helicopter blades, which made a whistling wind hum, that whirred and stirred up the white vaporise air around him.

Now little Peter Sam the train could clearly hear the whooshing and whishing sounds, coming from Harold's helicopter blade arms as they spoon round.

Steam train Peter Sam engine was very surprised air rescue Harold the helicopter he gasped, hello called Sodor air search Harold the mountain and sea rescue helicopter.
I was dropping off some food packagers for the country hill farms, what are you doing?

I'm lost Peter Sam tank engine said and I'm going to be very late, to deliver the metal winches and steel wires near the Sodor quarry incline coal pit!

No problem old chap, I'll show you the way and Harold the helicopter tuck off in the air his strong spotlight shone brightly lighting the rail track and showed Peter Sam the correct way towards the excavation incline.

Latter on his way home Peter Sam train couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, maybe puffed Peter Sam quietly you don't have to see the magic lamp for your wishes to come true.

Maybe it enough for me and Thomas the train just to believe in it!
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