Followers of trusty thomas the train activities Pages for children

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thomas and friends Edward the Really useful engine

Thomas the tank engine Edward the really useful engine and friends on the Island of Sodor are all good at doing many different things.
Big blue Gordon the tank engine express Percy the train is good at carrying the railway mail cars
Steam train Thomas the tank engine Edward the really useful engine and friends on Island of SodorGordon the tank engine is a very good express, logging loco Ferdinand and Percy the train are really good at carrying the railway mail cars.

When Thomas and Edward the blue engine are not pulling Annie and Clarabel coaches or the Sodor mine coal trucks, Eddie is very good at being a back engine!

When the railroad engines have heavy long loads, Thomas and friends Edward the train buffers up behind and helps with the pushing along the track, but Edward the tank engine is now an old steam locomotive.

Some of the younger Island of Sodor steam engines think this makes him unreliable!
Thomas and friends Edward the blue engine is old steam pot train Gordon the big express sniffed
Thomas and friends Edward the blue engine is a useless old steam pot Gordon the big express engine sniffed, he should be retired in the National Railway Museum.

But he doesn't have rubber tires Thomas and friends Percy the train said.
Train Thomas the tank engine and friends out of service big blue express Gordon the tank engine
Retired said Thomas the tank engine it means taken out of service and not a moment too soon replied Gordon the tank engine.

Henry train James and the other big engines agreed with Gordon the express train, but Thomas and Percy the train were very upset at this.
Island of Sodor water tower Thomas and friends Percy the tank engine railway driver looked so glum
Latter that day at the Sodor water tower, Thomas and friends Percy the tank engine railway driver asked him why he looked so glum.

Number 6 Percy the train Thomas and friends Edward the really useful engine is helpful with driverNumber 6 Percy told the driver about big blue Edward the train, Henry the green engine and James the big engines don't think Edward really useful engine is helpful any more he said!

Percy the train puffed into the Island of Sodor Maron station his driver saw the Fat Controller and told him what Percy the small engine had said about his friend Edward the blue engine.

I will attend to the matter immediately said Sir Topham Hatt.
Thomas Percy the train puffed into the Island of Sodor Maron station his driver the Fat Controller
The Fat Controller had a plane, the new Sodor railway track loop line is completed he said to Edward the blue engine.

I want you to teach Stepney the bluebell engine how to run the railway track properly.
Thomas the tank engine Edward the really useful engine cargo trucks and Sodor the Fat Controller
But Sir Topham Hatt he asked who will look after the cargo trucks when I am showing Stepney the bluebell engine the branch line work?

Duck the great western engine will do your wagon shunting work the Fat Controller replied to him.
Island of Sodor Knapford station Thomas and engines news that Duck the tank engine was going to help
Edward train Thomas and friends big Gordon the tank engine puffed away out of the Knapford platform Latter at the Island of Sodor Knapford station there other engines herd the news that Duck the tank engine was going to help them they were pleased.

Duck the tank engine is a really useful engine and very reliable said Henry train.

It makes no difference to me said Gordon the train pompously I don't require a back engine and big Gordon tank puffed away out of the Knapford platform.

Out side the big castle station on the new track Edward the train enjoyed working with Thomas the tank engine and Stepney the train it was great fun delivering passengers to small village stations in the lovely English country side.
The big castle station new track Edward the train with Thomas the tank engine and Stepney the train
But Thomas and friends Duck the great western engine was not happy the trucks were playing there silly train games.

The silly troublesome trucks sang Donald Duck should play with other ducks, coz he's no-good at pulling trucks, quack-quack, and hold back! They giggled loudly.
Thomas and friends Duck the great western engine was not happy the trucks playing silly train games
Duck the great western engine found he was going slower and slower and slower up the hill climb!

Half way up Thomas and friends Gordon's hill his steel wheels stopped altogether, GWR Duck the train was stuck o no said his driver!
Thomas and friends Duck the great western engine going slower up big express Gordon the train hill
This is Gordon the tank express main line, Duck engine guard phoned the railway signal man to warn him, it is too late to switch over Gordon the tank engine to the middle track line said the signal man you will have to flag him down.
Duck the tank engine guard phoned the signal man to switch Gordon the train to the middle track line
Steam locomotive Gordon the big train saw the box guard holding the red flag high in the air, if I stop on this hill slope, I will never get started again he said crossly and he gradually buffed up behind Duck the great western engine!
Steam locomotive Gordon the big train saw the guard holding the red flag Thomas and friends Edward
Gordon engine tried to setoff but his wheels spun and spun, its no use we need a back engine said the driver, I'll send for Edward the blue engine.

Thomas and friends Gordon the tank engine was cross steam locomotive Edward the tank engine was delighted he was going to be the back engine for two trains.
Thomas and friends Gordon the tank engine steam locomotive Edward the tank engine was delighted
Big blue Edward train cheerfully buffed up and the strange long train carrying passengers and goods setoff on its journey up Gordon's hill.

This long rail carnival of Thomas and friends Edward Gordon and Duck chuffed gently into Knapford station platform number one.
Thomas and friends Gordon and Duck chuffed gently into Sodor Knapford station platform number one
Look at that! Sniggered a small boy, the back engine must be the strongest and the best.

Now Gordon the big express engine was embarrassed, the Fat Controller spoke harshly to big blue Gordon locomotive! You have said bad things about big blue Edward train the Fat Controller said.
Thomas and Gordon the big express was embarrassed the Fat Controller spoke harshly big blue Gordon
He has proved today that the Sodor steam locomotive Edward is a really useful engine and very reliable at doing this work.

Now Gordon the big express engine felt very ashamed.
The next morning Thomas and friends Gordon the tank engine thank you Edward the really useful engine
The next morning Thomas and friends Gordon the tank engine apologized, thank you for helping me Edward the train puffed express Gordon the big engine, and you really are Edward the really useful engine he said.
The Fat Controller talk about Gordon Thomas and friends Edward the really useful engine retiring
Its good to be back Edward tank engine chuffed happily, the Fat Controller plane had worked there was no more talk about Thomas and friends Edward the really useful engine retiring in the steam train museum.

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