Sir Topham Hatt's really-splendid James train and Henry engines were busy working with there friends.
The frosty snow fall made Thomas and the fat controller's engines journeys difficult, Thomas and Duncan the tank engine had to work hard to deliver the passengers and goods to there destinations on time.
This made the small trains Thomas and friends Toby Duck the great-western-engine feel very reliable.

Stuff and nonsense you can't be a reliably Sodor-engine if you can't get through the Avalanche snow, that made Thomas cross, you know I am a reliably engine, I just don't like my snowplough.
The road lorry Elizabeth Thomas the tank engine thought was most disrespectful and this bizarre aged blue heavy blizzard metal plough was really making his red railway buffer stops ache.

Latter Thomas saw Sir Topham Hatt talking to Elizabeth the lorry next to the level crossing guard hut.
The Island of Sodor Christmas Pudding and cakes factory is snowed in, the December holiday festive childrens cakes must get to the Brendam docks, for Cranky Crain to load up, before the cargo ship sails to the Mainland Island.
Let me do the job called Thomas the train, the fat controller told Tom tank that he was required on his railroad line.

I am reliable also puffed Thomas tank, apparently no reliable enough Elizabeth chuffed riding passed the village railway crossing gates.
Now Thomas the locomotive train was even crosser still at this.
The blizzard snowstorm weather had very heavy flurries but Thomas arrived at every tom's station stops right-on time.
Elizabeth lorry was struggling to stay on the road way, her rubber wheels didn't like the frosty slippery ice at all.

The big ship will miss the rising tide time table said the sea harbor master and the children won't have there Christmas pudding cakes called Sir Topham Hatt.
The Sir Topham Hatt ordered him to find Elizabeth at once.
So Thomas Terence and the snow plough quickly setoff though the beautiful white Christmas hoarfrost landscape to find her, perhaps Elizabeth Thomas the tank engine whispered to Terence the tractor engine is not such a dependable transport service after all.

Thomas and friends Elizabeth the lorry knew Sir Topham Hatt was counting on her and she must not be behind schedule with the Christmas cakes for the shipping boat.
She chuffed onto the icy road, suddenly she was on a slippery snow covered steep dicey hill side, and her lorry driver applied the brakes. The runaway engine lorry Elizabeth slides out off control into a deep snowdrift mound next the Christmas tree cliff side.
Thomas and Terence the tractor engine puffed through the swirling misty white Christmas snow showers, they couldn't see Elizabeth any were along the way.

Thomas choo-choo-train puffed and steamed along the full length of his glacial expedition as fast as he could go. They reached the Island's coastal seaport dockyard at Brendam just in time for the cake delivery shipping.
Sir Topham Hatt was overjoyed to see the snow-covered Christmas bakery pudding box delivery full of party time kids cakes, all ready to ship for the seasonal festivities. Now Thomas and Elizabeth were back safe and well, they were unloaded without any delay.
Now the children will have there Christmas pudding cakes Thomas tank said, well-done said Sir Hatt, o thank you train tom tank Elizabeth said you and I are both reliable, smiling train Thomas and the trucks agreed.
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