There is twelve answers to the differences in the free childrens picture comparing competition puzzle.
Spot the difference games puzzle number one.
1 The Island coastal seaside light house resort has gone.
2 Jeremy the jet plane is flying in the other direction to Sodor airport.
3 The Davy Jones Caribbean wooden pirate chest has moved.
4 The yellow sun coloring picture has changed.
5 The number 1 had disappeared from Thomas tender.
6 Sir Topham Hatt strawberry ice cream cone clip art has gone.
7 The windows on house coloring have altered.
8 The hill land farm coloring picture has changed.
9 The boy’s shoes color has altered.
10 Tom Thomas has only one steam flute brass train whistle
11 The Thomas tank coloring of his windows is different.
12 The old oak wooden barrel keg on the Thomas station is on its side.
Free spot the difference games for kids, this one is quite difficult to determinate the color picture adjustments and to finish off, along with many small items to unearth and discover, the activity picture printouts are in the company of Thomas and the tank engine characters Harold helicopter and Sir Topham Hatt. Young little toddler kids learning for fun, what better way then with there favorite Thomas and the tank engine characters from Sodor island, playing a spot the difference game activity sheet for preschool children, helping them in gaining knowledge and rapid development of observation skills.
The fat controller Thomas tanks manager is helping to clean up the tree leaves in the night garden, with the assistance of the two young children, whilst they are observing Harold helicopter flying and the sky rocket beautiful firework display in the dark nights air above them.

Here we reveal the 12 transmutation in the image listed bellow.
Thomas activities Kindergarten worksheet printables game number two
1 Harold the helicopter drawing is flying higher in the sky.
2 The old manor house hat turned around.
3 The jumbo inflatable beach ball has spun around.
4 Sir Topham Hatt’s large garden rake tool has gone.
5 The little girl is looking in the opposite direction.
6 The thin tall tree plant is missing.
7 The pink gardening wheel barrow has moved.
8 The moon is bigger and brighter.
9 The green shrubbery bush hedge has gone.
10 The fat controllers top hat and waistcoat has changed color.
11 The kitty cat coloring is white not orange.
12 The boy’s hat coloring has changed
Railway train Henry tank engine spot the difference games online kindergarten preschool picture fun for children to play. Attempt to distinguish the original transformation in the Thomas and friends games there is 12 items to ferret out, in this Henry the engine next to the fishy fish pond. This is a bright multicolored clip art railroad photograph puzzle for you and your little ones enjoyment. Henry Thomas tank engine and James the train all love traveling to visit the Sodor millpond, to see the water wildlife animal’s fogs and fisherman.

Here are the 12 switch-over results in the Thomas the tank engine and friends games of identify the color image remodeling.
spot the difference Childrens online games number three.
1 The green frog has gone.
2 The purple Lilly pad flower has vanished.
3 The Lilly pad leaf has swapped position.
4 Henry tank engine chimney smock has departed.
5 The Sodor windmill house has moved.
6 The grey stone bolder has moved.
7 Henry the train has no front red railway buffer stops.
8 The bull frog has jumped over the fish pond.
9 The mallard duck coloring is unlike it were before.
10 Green Henry tank engine coloring is different.
11 The Stonebridge way color is different now.
12 The bush is now yellow.
Winter puzzle time enjoyment, free to play educational games for kids activities, pictures with the character red Bertie bus service in a new year Christmas snow scenes, passing over the frozen stream bridge crossing. Ice covered Bertie bus is looking at the evergreen forest animals and frosty the snowman, he’s thinking what a nice seasonal Christmas picture to witness. Bertie bus is traveling back to the Thomas station to meet big blue Gordon the fastest express train.
Try your eye, to pick out the twelve fresh locations and the new alterations, from one of these childrens picture sheet photos, compared to the other one above it.

Have a look at these 12 answers to the mystery clipart pictures for kids learning spot the difference online games with Thomas and the tank engine characters to see if you found them all.
Online games for preschoolers number four.
1 The vintage street light has been switch on.
2 Red Bertie the school bus window has vanished.
3 The Christmas holly reef decorations have gone.
4 The flying kipper fish has been removed.
5 The winter snow covered stone post has gone.
6 The stone on the road bridge has changed color.
7 An evergreen woodland wild forest animal reindeer has moved position.
8 The snow eagle is in a different place.
9 The winter wonderland Frosty the snowmen’s hat is a purple color.
10 The childrens umbrella image has a new color.
11 The old fashioned street light has been removed.
12 The robin red breast bird has gone to the other side of the bridge.
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