Thomas the train and Percy regularly have the grimy dirtiest transport work loads; nevertheless they love to be clean as well as any other steam engine on the Island dose.

So the Sodor wash-down center is very important to Percy the tank engine, but the Fat Controller had bad railway news for Gordon train James and Thomas the tank engine, because of the Maron Sodor water tower has a shortage he said no locomotive engine will have more than one railway wash down a day, usefulness before cleanliness Sir Topham Hatt added.

The Fat Controller's engines and Percy the train was upset, I get dirty he complained it need water wash downs, Thomas and friends Gordon the big engine only dose it the feel important.
I am important large blue Gordon the train he sniffed and I am the fastest Gordon the big express engine on the Sodor Knapford-station main line.
You're a piety puffer Percy James the red engine teased him. No I am not wished steam train Percy the green engine and he sadly chuffed away from the Thomas water tower.

On-on they cried Percy the small train, soon he takes the plunge and found him self beneath the coal shoot hopper the smoky black coal dust flew every where all over him.
O no coughed and sneezed Percy I am filthy.
Thomas the tank engine Percy felt terrible but he knew he had to continue his work and be a really useful engine.

Traveling on the way to Scottish Lord Callan castle station the troublesome truck taunted him even more, making up funny songs to tease him. Clickety clack don't look back dirty train Percy the green engine is on our track, be quirt he snapped at the silly giggling coal wagons.

Harold the helicopter was at Callan castle station picking up medical supplies, hello Percy Harold the helicopter called and he flew off into a clouds, blowing old coal cinders and ashes every were.
Not again little Percy the train cried I want a wash-down, usefulness before cleanliness reminded his Sodor railway-engine drive.
I want too be a really useful engine were I can't get dirty Percy tank engine huffed.

Little green locomotive train Percy engine didn't know about that earlier one of Thomas the train and the trucks had spilled oil on the track.
When he approached Mr. Jolly's milk chocolate factory his driver applied the brakes but steam tank engine Percy and the squeak of wheels just skidded on the oily rails.

O no hooted little Percy the tank engine as his runaway train crashed though the sticky sweet factory building. Yucky he grunted Percy the train in chocolate crunch had never been this dirty he was covered from funnel to firebox in thick sticky gluey chocolate.

Choc-ice on wheel chipped in green locomotive Henry and Gordon the tank engine thought it was disgraceful.
There was a beep loud coughing sound it was the Sodor Fat Controller, you have had a trying day Percy the tank engine.
Yes Sir Topham Hatt replied Percy covered in chocolate crunch mix, but you have shown use all that, usefulness dose come before cleanliness.
So you shall have your Sodor wash down and a bright new coat of paint. Percy the train in chocolate just beamed.
View YouTube Thomas the train Percy's Chocolate Crunch story.
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