What is that humming noise asked James the train ?
It's the honey bee's chuckled Trevor the traction engine they are all in these white wood box things called bee hives.
I'm taking them to the station, the village vicar says his bees make good honey and he is giving some of them to his friends.

Just then Thomas and friends BoCo the diesel engine hummed in with the farm cattle trucks, take care you two! Don't make the buzzing bees angry, they possibly will sting you.

Thomas and friends James the tank engine didn't like to being tolled what to do from train BoCo diesel locomotive and he buzzed away.

Good bye Trevor called Thomas the tank engine BoCo the diesel engine.
He then setoff on Edward's branch line track, to see Thomas and friends Duck the great western engine at the next cargo shipping station stop in Brendam docks sea harbour.

But they soon both quickly scampered away down the tracks of when they saw Thomas the tank engine BoCo the diesel train.
I remember the first time I met the Bill and Ben the tank engine twins giggled BoCo the diesel locomotive, they nearly made my eyes pop out.
But Thomas the tank Edward the blue engine soon put a halt to there fun train games!

Thomas the tank engine and friends Edward the blue engine is the only one who can keep Bill and Ben the tank engine twins in order, chuckled green great western Duck the train.
I some times call Bill and Ben trains the two yellow bees, good name replied BoCo the diesel, they are terrible twin trains when they start buzzing around the salty sailor fishery coastal dockyard of Brendam.
Suddenly James the train burst in, what that Duck the great western engine are you frightened of bees they're only insects after all, so don't let that buzz box Sodor diesel train tell you any different.

His name is BoCo the diesel train and he didn't we were!

Buzz-Buzz-Buzz retorted Duck the train with a grin.
The next morning James the train arrived at the Gordon express coach Knapford station platform to collect his passenger railway coachers.
The summer holiday travelers were exited to start the train tour also they very eager to get onboard.
The Island of Sodor Knapford platform was crowded with happy vacationer people, but the baggage railway porter was in a rush.
Mind your backs he shouted, then there was double trouble the wooden bee hive fell over and broke open.

The busy station platform cleared just like magic, all the sightseeing people vanished in a flash.
Now Thomas & friends James the red engine heard a familiar buzzing sound.

The honey bees were too cold to be cross, so they buzzed around the fireman hoping that he would repair their wooden hive, but he didn't understand nor did his driver.

Buzz off buzz off hissed James train, one bee burn his foot on the steam boiler.
The bee thought that big red James the train engine had done the scorching on purpose.
So it stung James the really splendid engine right back on the nose, ouch whistled James the red engine he had taken enough so had his fireman and driver.

The steam engine driver and fireman didn't notice till too late that they had left the railway passenger coachers behind they tried everything to remove of the honey bees.

First they spun on the Tidmouth roundhouse railway turntable bay but with no luck, they tried jet washing them off at the Island of Sodor engine wash down, but the buzzing honey bees clung harder.
Now it was no joke for James the red engine with the bustling bee swarm sticking on his warm boiler tank!
Then they tried smocking the humming bees out, by going through a long railway tunnel next to the fishing river, but still the buzzing bees wouldn't go away

Its no-good James the train engine said his driver, we will just have to return on Edwards track to the farm apple orchard and fetch an additional wooden box bee hive, James train replied but was drowned by the sound of buzzing.
The Vicar of Wellsworth was waiting anxiously for Thomas and friends James the tank engine at the fruit orchard, when he arrived in the apple orchard the bee's swarmed strait into their new wooden home.

Come on you are in a mess James the red train said his driver, what you require now is a good hose down.
Latter that evening big express Gordon and Thomas the Train James the number five engine was resting in the Tidmouth shed, when the Wellsworth vicar turned up to see him.
Thank you for saving my bees he said it's a shame it not the Christmas holiday time then we could call you James the red nosed engine.

Everyone giggled even GWR Duck and Thomas the Train James engine chuckled, but instead they decided to call him the bee's knees!
This means they thought that he was the worlds strongest engine and more useful than ever!
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