Steam locomotive Thomas the tank engine with Annie and Clarabel is always very careful to blow his warning whistle here, incase anyone was coming.

Early one bright mystical morning a large police man was sitting close to the railway-line crossing, choo-choo Thomas tank liked police man, tom train had been a great friend of the old law enforcement village constable, who had just newly retired from his post.

But the small blue steam locomotive Thomas the tank engine was sorry to see that he didn't look friendly at all, he was red in the face and extremely bad-tempered.
Disgraceful he spluttered, I didn't sleep a wink last night, it was so silent and now steam railroad engines come whistling there brass steam trumpets suddenly behind me!
I'm sorry sir, said Thomas the train I only said Peep-peep good morning. The police man pointed to choo-choo Thomas tank train buffers with no safety Bull Bar, where's your livestock farm cow catcher he asked him?
But I don't catch cows sir, don't be funny snapped the police man, he look at small blue Thomas's wheels no side cover plates also.

He wrote in his note book Sodor engines traveling along public roads, must have there railway-wheels covered and a metal-cow catcher railroad buffers fitted in front, too protected people in addition to the farmyard cattle animals, from trouble on the tracks and being dragged under the drive wheels, if they should accidentally stray onto the railway track line rails.
You haven't got them for your steel spoke wheels and buffers! So Thomas the steam train breaks the rules and a dangerous dilemma on the rails, he said.
Rubbish said Thomas Steam locomotive engines driver, we've been along this Isle of Sodor railway tracking hundreds of times and never had a train accident or trouble on the tracks before!
That makes it worse the police man answered, he wrote regular law breaker in his black pocket book. Thomas tank engine slowly puffed sadly away.

Excuse me Sir Topham Hatt you're wanted on the telephone, bother that old telephone line said the Fat Controller.
I'm sorry my dear, he said to his wife small blue Thomas the tank engine is in trouble on the tracks with the police and I must go to the Island of Sodor North Western Railway Elsbridge station at once.
At the Thomas & friends Elsbridge train station, Thomas's driver told the Fat Controller what had happened.
Dangerous to the public indeed we will see about this trouble on the tracks!
The Fat Controller addressed the police man, but how ever much he quarreled with him, it was no-good.

The law is the law and you can’t break the rules he said and we can't change it.
The Fat Controller felt washed-out, I'm sorry train driver he said it's no use squabbling with the village police man.
We will have to make those dairy cow catcher things for Thomas the train engine I suppose.

The Fat Controller jumped them he laughed to himself, well done Thomas why didn't I think of that train-idea before?
We want a tram-train steam engine to lend a hand and join Thomas the train and his engine friends on the Sodor tracks.
When Sir Topham Hatt the stout gentleman was on his summer holiday vacation trip with his family, he meet a nice little tram steam engine called Toby the tank engine.
He takes the silly giggling troublesome trucks from the woodland mountain farm Fields to the town center, but the HGV lorry drivers are taking over most of the Toby train tram railway jobs.
I think Toby the train should have a change of landscape and some green countryside scenery views.

Tram Toby the tank engine has cow catchers and side plates I'll write a special letter to his controller at once.
A small number of days latter Toby the tram engine arrived at the top prize winning best floral display decorated Lower Tidmouth station platform.

That's a good train tram railway engine to complete the Tidmouth roundhouse Thomas 7 friends said the Fat Controller happily.

Yes you don't mind do you sir?
The main line station master wanted to use rail travel Coach Henrietta as a farm chicken henhouse and that would never do.
No indeed said the Thomas & friends Fat Controller, we couldn't allow that!
Passenger coach Henrietta Toby the tram engine made the silly trucks behave even better than Thomas the train and his friends could ever do.
At first red locomotive train James and Thomas the tank engine were very envious, but they were so please when Toby the tram engine rang loudly his shiny brass cowbell chime and frightened the grumpy blue police officer, steam tram Toby and Thomas the train have been firm friends ever since.
Watch YouTube Thomas & friends DVD clip of steam tram Toby and Thomas the train friends in trouble on the tracks. Narrated by Ringo Starr.
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