Out In theaters beginning July 2nd and 3rd Thomas and friends Misty Island Rescue is the latest CGI Thomas the Tank Engine movie DVD with runtime duration of 60 minutes, which is going to be released to the general public in the USA in September 2010 and in the UK October 2010 also Australia, Germany, Benelux and Spain ending of 2010.

Coming to the Island of Sodor railway map is a fresh construction of a helicopter landing pad and lifeboat
Search and Rescue Centre The Search and Rescue Centre building is being finished from a very rare exceptional unusual deep burgundy red hardwood called Jobi Logs. These wood logs are only found far away in the oriental acacia tree and camaron forests of Japan this is the runaway island where Engine Hiro, the
Hero of the rails comes from.
Train Thomas the tank engine and friends are all extremely excited about the new Harold the helicopter sea search and rescue building; they all would like to lend a hand with the important delivery job moving the Jobi wooded logs to the new Centre.

A Diesel dose it again in there usual style of thing, the 10 Diesel engine was certain that he is more superior to Tank Thomas and his friends, he's idea was to move the rare wood Jobi logs to the Search n recovery centre himself and races along the
Sodor railway tracks with the Jobi logs.
Thomas the tank engine noticed that
Diesel 10 is traveling far too speedy down the line so he chased after him.

The great chase race outcome result is an exciting adventure with mystery and thrills also a fearless rescue as
Thomas the train dose save the day, shopping big Diesel 10 from plummeting into the sea over a white cliff edge, but the Jobi wood hurtles down into the oceans deep blue water underneath then.

After this accident now there are no timber logs for the construct sea Captain the lifeboat and Harold the helicopter rescue centre.
As a thank you prize for Thomas the train daring and courageous recovery of number 10 Diesel Thomas the tank engine obtains a holiday visit the railway Mainland Island to collecting new Special super strong red wood.
Train Thomas waves goodbye to Cranky the Crain Rocky and
salty tank engine his friends at Brendam Docks in the hill harbour and beginnings his new travel trip tour across the sea waters to the Mainland Island.
On the way in the hours of darkness Thomas tank engine floating on his the raft carrying becomes disconnected from the sailing passenger ship drifting away from the tugboat and finishers up single-handedly marooned on the beautiful steamy
Lost at Sea mysterious Misty Island.

This Misty Island is a wild and wonderful island location with a whole host of undiscovered and secret hide outs, old railroad rickety tracks and train bridge crossings like the Shake Shake Bridge.
Thomas the tank engine misty island rescue almost immediately finds him some new friends he discovers the mystery islands inhabitants three humorous logging locos called Bash and Dash tank engine also Ferdinand tank engine who is the slowest but biggest engine in
Thomas and friends Mysterious adventure
Ferdinand tank engine likes to says that's right most of the time.
They are all in a bit of a muddled but are very kind and helpful friends. The train engine characters from
misty island rescue Lost at Sea are logging locos that run on oil and wood as there fuel, not coal like Edward Thomas and friends.
Thomas train is delighted to meet this new
misty island rescue friend the Logging Locos and to find out that the island has its own steam railway lines.

The black and yellow pair of tiny twin's steering wheel
Bash and Dash tank engine trains, which were originally banished to the far out-of-the-way remote island following the trouble and problem creating they did on the mainland isle railway.
Bash and Dash tank engine look-alikes finish off each others sentences. The two steam trains Dash and Bash tank engine are good-natured but frequently there jobs incorrectly because they have no rules to follow on Misty Island.
Thomas the train games and adventures soon let him stumble on the information that the Misty Island had abundant supplies of unusual Jobi wood materials. With some assists of his new locomotive engine friends, Thomas attempts to locate the direction back home to the isle of Sodor railway tracks and uncovers additional Misty Island's mysteries including an old disused railway tunnel that joins up the two islands together.

Back on the isle of Sodor the train Edward tank Henry, the big engine Gordon and James train are all rallying around to assemble the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre a new home for helicopter Harold, Rocky the Crain and Captain.
Meanwhile exploring out on the beep blue waters
Harold helicopter and
sea Captain the lifeboat are both carry out a search party Thomas the tank engine is still lost but they are looking for him.
Captain life boat is very confident furthermore he is constantly in control when there are emergency rescue conditions.
One of the new Thomas n friends Characters Scruff the Scruncher is a boxy steam engine who is devoted to getting muddy furthermore he doesn't enjoy the bath at Sodor wash down center or being cleaned and polished.

Steam train Whiff's Waste Dump is also an up-to-the-minute location for
Whiff the tank engine for taking care of the Sodor waste. Whiff is assisted by a new Sodor railway engine Scruff the Scruncher.
In the
Thomas the tank engine misty island rescue Lost at Sea DVD the Characters are Thomas the train Edward the blue engine, Henry tank engine, cranky the crane, Sir Topham Hatt and Lady Hatt, Gordon the big express engine, James the red train, Big Rocky Crain, Percy the green engine, Harold helicopter Toby the tram engine, bright green Emerald Emily the beautiful engine, Harvey the crane engine, Whiff, Bash and Dash tank engine, Ferdinand, Scruff, Diesel 10, Salty the Diesel and Captain the sailboat.
To play fun childrens activates Thomas and Friends Misty Island Rescue Jigsaw Puzzle Games Online with your favorite Sodor Island characters.

Early childhood education book Juvenile Fiction book this Thomas the tank engine misty island rescue title will be released on August 10, 2010.
In the up-to-the-minute direct to Thomas and friends DVD movie
Misty Island Rescue film, the railway steam engines of Sodor isle are doing the construction of a new Rescue and Search Center and looking for the
lost at sea Thomas the Tank Engine, this job is their foremost rescue mission!
Boys, age's three to six, will take pleasure in this beautifully illustrated attractive jacketed hardcover childrens storybook, which captures all of the excitement, adventure mystery, thrills and spills of Thomas the train newest venture.
ISBN 978-0-375-86714-9

Lost at Sea color book
Thomas the Tank Engine discovers new exploration on the high seas in this thrilling Picture back based on the new direct-to-DVD movie Thomas and friends misty island rescue. Your miniature engineers, age's three to six, can accompany this small train along the way in his journey as Thomas the train ships out to discover additional building materials for
Sodor island Rescue Center, only to find he requires rescuing himself!
ISBN 978-0-375-84754-7
View the film new promo Youtube Thomas the tank engine misty island rescue trailer.