The story of
Thomas and friends Tickled Pink James the big express engine with the brightest red paint on the sunny railway Island of Sodor. James's brightest red paint made James-red engine feel very proud and made him feel very steam special-locomotive.
One morning
James the red engine was about to puff out of Tidmouth roundhouse sheds, Sir Topham Hatt arrived to see him.
James the train you are to have a sparkling new coat of glossy paint, you must puff strait to see Kevin and Victor at the Sodor Steamworks, and James train was pleased and overjoyed at this, thank you Sir Topham Hatt.
I will be the smartest and the big express engine on the entire Island he whistled with pride. Thomas and friends James the red engine puffed proudly into the steamworks workmen were waiting.

First they took off James's old coat of red paint then they applied a special coat of pink paint. The pink paint work was to go under the new red coat it was to keep the water out. Soon James the really splendid engine was covered from fender to foot plate with dazzling pink paint.

Just then Sir Topham Hatt arrived my granddaughter is having a birthday party today,
Emerald Emily the tank engine was to pick her up at Mid Sodor Railway Marthwait station, but Thomas and friends Emily the green engine has broken down, the other engines are busy.
You must collect the children and take them to the party. But Sir Topham Hatt I am not ready, your quit ready enough please leave strait away.
childrens birthday party starts at tea time you mustn't be late, Sir Topham Hatt departed.

He was upset o on pink is a silly color! I don't want anyone seeing me looking silly. James the pink engine puffed up to a junction, beautiful Emily train was stuck in a siding she was waiting for the workmen. Cinders and Ashes! You're all light pink
James the train! Train Emily the tank engine laughed and chuckled.
O no every one is going to laugh at me because in am a pink train James didn't want to be laughed at, then an idea flew into his funnel.
If I see Thomas the tank engine or any other Sodor tank engine's on the way to the children I'll hide.
James the big express engine chuffed through the country side hills and green fields; ahead he could see the old tram Toby the train puffing along the narrow railway track.

I don't want
Thomas and friends Toby the tram engine to see my pink paint, he will think I am silly; I will hide under this tree until he has gone pasted.
So James tank engine gradually chuffed beneath the branches of an old weeping willow-tree,
Thomas and friends Toby the train-tram engine puffed slowly forwards him.
Locomotive James kept as quirt as he could so that steam train Toby tank engine wouldn't take notice of him. Suddenly train James the tank engine herd a whistle he knew well, toot-toot it was
Thomas and friends Gordon the big express engine.Clickety clack express on the track called
blue train Gordon the tank engine. With a whistling wind powerful steam tank Gordon the train thunder and at Zeus lightning-bolt speed rocketing down the big express line, the branches of the green old-majestic willow tree flow up in the air.

There was
James the tank engine in his bright pink paint sir Toby tank engine stopped, he was surprised fizzling fireboxes James train, and you are a big pink engine. Tram Toby-tank-engine did laugh and laugh.
James the train felt very silly he didn't like being chuckled at, so he steam swiftly away.

James puffed on towards Marthwait-station, I mustn't be late for the childrens birthday party, and then James saw the misty Island rescue Thomas and friends diesel 10 engine, he is certain laugh I have to hide quickly.
James saw some freight cars they were piled high with coal, James puffed into the Sodor railroad siding and hide behind the coal trucks.
This is a good hiding place, then the Thomas and friends diesel-10 Oiled into the train-junction siding. Soon the Thomas the tank engine diesel 10-train had to budge the Sodor mining coal-trucks on to a different line. Thomas and friends Diesel engine shunted the cars that James was hiding behind.
So James puffed to the next set of trucks, then the
Thomas and friends diesel 10 engine shunted them away as well. Quickly James engine rolled behind the last two wooden freight cars, next diesel 10 the train shunted them away.

Thomas and his friends diesel 10 was shocked, what are you doing
train James the pink engine, your are a big pink steamy, number 10 diesel the tank engine chuckle and chuckle at this amusement, James felt terrible being laugh at by diesel the train was worst of all.
So he chuffed quickly away, James knew he was getting late he had to pickup the children before tea time. I will take a short cut thought this secret tunnel that way I am certain to chuff to the train-station at Marthwait on time.

He puffed out of the train-tunnel, and then he heard a whistle its Gordon the big express engine, o no I don't want Thomas the tank engine Gordon the blue train to laugh at my silly pink paint work!
I have to hide so James reversed back into the tunnel and waited. Gordon the train pulled up to the dark tunnel entrance he could see white steam coming out of the old railway-tunnel. Who is hiding in there? Express-train coming through come on out.

He didn't want to come out, he was certain Gordon the train would giggle at him. Then
Thomas and Percy the tank engine puffed up, what's happening who is in there asked Thomas and friends Percy the train.
I don't know big Gordon engine said but the express can't wait. James the big express engine knew that the Thomas and his friends engines were waiting for him and so were the children.
If keep hiding I will be late for the children and they will be late for the children birthday party, so with a puff and a huff Pink James drove slowly out Henry's tunnel, he was very unhappy.
James Percy the small engine called!
You're a funny cherry color! I would hide to if I was a bright pink engine said
Thomas amp; friends Gordon James the tank engine felt terrible. All the engines were laughing, but he knew what he had to do, I feel very silly, but I can't let the party children down.
Hasty James goes buzz-buzz as he went raced along the tracks to Marthwait-station as fast as his wheels would take him.

Then he saw the big express Spence the silver engine at a junction Spence the train thought James look very silly.
O dear said steamy Spence the tank engine bright pink really isn't your color, he didn't like this but this time even though he felt silly he didn't hide.
I mustn't be late for Sir Topham Hatts children, then James and Henry the green engine meet passing by. My-word you do look pink called train Henry the tank engine.
But he didn't hide, he felt silly but he didn't stop, I must collect the children. He puffed into Marthwait-station house; he could see the children waiting.
I am certain that the children will laugh at me; they will think I look very silly and he steamed sadly on to the station platform at Marthwait.

Sir Topham Hatt granddaughter didn't laugh and she didn't think
Thomas and friends James the pink engine look silly at all. She smiled she was very exited and very happy James your a pink engine pink is my favorite color.
He could believe it, do you really like pink, I love pink said Sir Topham Hatt granddaughter and so do all my school friends.
Pink James the train was Tickled Pink he was so happy it made his boiler bubble, I'm a very lucky engine, he puffed proudly in to the town hall just in time for the young girls birthday cakes and party, the children laughed and clapped there hands. James the bright pink engine was the super hero of the day.
Watch Thomas And friends YouTube video of Tickled Pink.